Chair Yoga Pose – Low Lunge

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Chair Yoga Exercise: Seated Low Lunge

Let’s take a look at this simple chair yoga exercise, the Seated Low Lunge variation with arms raised. It can be used to strengthen the muscles legs with an added bonus of the arms. Engaging the core muscles while you incorporate movement in the upper and lower body will make this a full body exercise. You can use this as part of a strengthening routine by holding the pose, with arms extended and the knee raised. Or, you can incorporate it in a flow for a faster paced sequence. We incorporate functional movements throughout our day that use both upper extremities and one lower extremity, as we stabilize through the other.

Think about activities such as ascending stairs using two railings, holding a grab bar and stepping in or out of a shower/tub, or stepping up on a curb with a walker. Good core stability and the ability to stabilize through the grounding foot is extremely helpful in these tasks. Practicing moving with the breath is also very beneficial. It helps us do things with more ease, less tension, and less stress on the body.

It is common to hold our breath during difficult tasks or tasks that may cause us fear. However, the breath allows our nervous system to help us remain calm. If you are looking for a short seated yoga sequence, scroll down the page for a video link that incorporates the seated low lunge.

Seated Low Lunge Variation

A women performing a seated chair yoga pose with both arms raised overhead and one knee raised in the air.

How Can We Practice This Chair Yoga Exercise? 

Follow the detailed cues to help practice this chair yoga exercise. Then keep reading for some tips on modifications, as well as how to incorporate it into your daily exercise routine.

Sit in a supported chair with a long spine and feet flat on the ground

Sit with the support of the back of the chair, or you may scoot forward a few inches

Chest is broad and shoulders are relaxed away from the ears

Arms are by your sides with the palms facing towards the body

Lengthen the spine and ground down through your left foot

Inhale as you raise the arms and the right knee up into the air

Reach the fingers toward the sky as able

Exhale to gently release the arms down and the right foot to the floor

Repeat on the other side

Need to Modify This Chair Yoga Pose?

Lift your arms only as high as is comfortable, do not strain.

Grasp opposite hands to opposite elbows, then raise the elbows up in the air. 

Break down the parts and do one at a time. 

Lift one arm at a time.

Sit back in the chair to support your spine.

How Do We Use This Chair Yoga Pose?

  • You can hold the pose for 2-3 breaths on each side.
  • You can alternate each side for your desired amount of time, moving at your own pace.
  • You can hold the arms up as you lift and lower the knee.
  • You can keep the knee lifted as you raise and lower the arms.
  • Remember to move with the breath.
  • Practice this pose anytime you need an energy boost.

We can change up the arm movements here and add so much variety, the possibilities are endless really. You may be interested in this short chair yoga sequence featuring the seated Low Lunge variation. This is a slightly faster paced sequence. Remember to always go at your own pace and be mindful of any mobility restrictions that you may have. Always stop immediately if you have pain, shortness of breath, or dizziness:

Seated Low Lunge Sequence

Want More Chair Yoga Exercises?

For more ways to build strength, take a look at Chair Yoga for Functional Strength.

If you are new to chair yoga, I invite you to take a look at Is Chair Yoga Right for You?.

If you are looking for another full body chair yoga pose, give the Modified Bird Dog a try.

Take a look at the 7  Day Chair Yoga Challenge or the One Week Chair Yoga Challenge if you are interested in adding in some more movement to your day.

If you would like some more exercises, you can take a look at these Chair Yoga Block Exercises or 5 Lower Body Chair Yoga Poses

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Finally, visit The Peaceful Chair YouTube Channel for more chair yoga and seated exercise videso.


Disclaimer: The Peaceful Chair and strongly recommends that you consult with your healthcare provider before starting this or any exercise program.The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not to be used in place of medical advice or information from your healthcare provider. Neither The Peaceful Chair, the, nor any of its contributors shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information contained in any links, videos, or any content on this website.