Chair Yoga Exercises: One Week Chair Yoga Challenge

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Chair Yoga Exercises For Seniors : One Week Chair Yoga Challenge

I know that creating a daily habit of exercise and movement in our day can be a real challenge. Sometimes I think it can take a bit more mental energy than physical energy to get started. I talked about creating an exercise routine a bit in Building An Exercise Routine With Chair Yoga. If you checked that out, it has a simple 5 day challenge in it with the goal of simply carving out that time to move and breathe- and hopefully using that as a platform to jump off and expand. It has 10 simple chair yoga exercises for seniors that can be a gentle way to get started.

If you would like a visual reminder to track your habits (and not just exercise), you may be interested in this simple Habit Tracker Notebook or you can take a look at this Free Printable Habit Tracker

The 7 Days of Chair Yoga Challenge is also a great way to get started with adding some chair yoga exercises to your daily routine. That challenge includes 3 poses a day with a different focus for 7 days. The intention here is to be a gentle introduction to chair yoga, get the body and the breath moving, and learn some simple chair yoga poses. And when I say simple- I do not mean easy! 

Simple and easy are two very different things. Exercise does not have to be complicated. Frankly, when things are complicated to follow, the chances of doing it on a routine basis go way down. Simple doesn’t mean without effort- it just implies that it is not overly complicated.

One of the reasons that I love chair yoga exercises for seniors (or anyone that needs the support of the chair) so much is that we can do it just about anytime and anywhere. We can check in with our posture, pay attention to how we feel, and notice our breath whenever we want. By taking notice of the present moment and practicing a couple of breathing exercises- we have already begun!

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If you have mobility or health issues, you probably know that it is really important to keep moving. As we age, we have the most to gain from doing just a bit of movement but also the most to lose from not doing it. If you are interested, here are a couple of articles that discuss healthy habits and aging:

Changing Your Habits For Better Health

Healthy Habits Can Lengthen Life

So if you are interested in a movement challenge, you may enjoy this One Week Chair Yoga At Home Challenge. There are five chair yoga poses or exercises to practice each day. Remember to always go at your own pace, never force or strain, and stop immediately if you have pain , dizziness, or shortness of breath. As always, it is recommended to consult with your healthcare provider before starting this or any exercise program. And of course- it does not have to be completed in one week! Yoga is not a competition- it is about accepting yourself for who and where you are today. Take a look at some tips for getting started or scroll down to Day One.

A senior man seated in a chair practicing a chair yoga pose in preparation for bird dog chair yoga pose.

How to Get Started: Chair Yoga Exercises

Yoga is a practice, it does not have to be perfect. If you are new to chair yoga, you may be interested in checking out Is Chair Yoga Right For You? Always take modifications as needed. Meet yourself where you are today. You can always repeat this whenever you choose. Take note of how you feel each day.  Are you taking deeper and more efficient breaths? Do you have more awareness of your posture? Do you feel like you have more range of motion? Are you feeling more present?

So, find a sturdy chair and take a deep breath. Click on the link for a PDF of each day. It includes detailed cues and photos for each pose. You can print it out or just follow along on the screen. Repetitions/breaths are always simply recommendations. That being said, sometimes counting repetitions can be a bit distracting. It can be easier to set a timer and practice each pose/exercise for about one minute- taking any breaks that you need to along the way. Or, simply try each pose and don’t worry about the repetitions.

All poses will begin in Mountain Pose:

  • Sit up nice and tall in the chair, feet flat on the floor. You may sit forward a few inches in the chair or sit back and have the support of the chair.
  • Knees are bent to 90 degrees with the ankles in line with the knees.
  • Thighs are hip distance apart and toes are pointing forward.
  • Ground down through all 4 corners of your feet.
  • Shoulders are down and away from the ears, chest is broad, and hands are resting on the thighs or by your sides.
  • Bring awareness to the core- Feel the sensation in your lower abdominal muscles as if you were to do a quiet cough.
  • You may choose to add a small pillow or rolled towel to the low back
  • You may choose to place your feet on a yoga block or thick book if the feet do not touch the floor.

Remember to move slowly and with intention. It is okay to start off slow. For instance, if a move calls for raising the arms overhead- you can start lower at shoulder height and gradually lift the arms higher as is comfortable. And remember that you are always welcome to sit all the way back in your chair for any or all of the chair yoga exercises. Each day begins with a suggested gentle warm up to help prepare the body and the mind.

Yoga blocks can be used to help support the feet if they do not touch the ground, and they also have so many other uses.There are many types available and some can be expensive. I found these on Walmart for a relatively inexpensive price- single yoga block or this set of 2 yoga blocks.


A view of a lake at sunset with the words

Chair Yoga Exercises For Seniors: One Week Chair Yoga At Home Challenge

Day One- Upper Body

We start off the week with five chair yoga exercises that focus on the upper body. This includes active mobility moves, as well as some gentle stretches. Be sure to take any modifications that you need. Try the following gentle warm up:

  • Begin seated in the Mountain Pose of your choice. Check in with your breath and your posture.
  • Take 3 deep breaths as you relax the muscles in your face and jaw.
  • Inhale and gently bring the shoulders up towards the ears. Exhale as you release them back down. Repeat a few more times.
  • Next, take some gentle shoulder circles as you notice any tension in the upper back and shoulders. 
  • Finally, inhale to lengthen the spine and exhale to turn the head and look over one shoulder. Take a breath here and exhale to return to the center. Repeat on the other side.

Chair Yoga For The Upper Body

Day Two-Chair Yoga For Cardio

Day 2 has us focused on some chair yoga exercises and poses to help get us moving- think a bit of cardio here. You can choose to do these poses for the repetitions of your choice or try to complete each one for one minute as tolerated. Move at a comfortable pace. We have some upper body, lower body, and full body moves here using large muscle groups. Try the following gentle warm up:

  • Begin seated in your Mountain Pose. Take 3 deep breaths and check in with how you feel.
  • Take a few gentle shoulder circles here as you check in with your posture.
  • Next, gently open and close the hands a few times. Now, alternate lifting the toes and heels as you stretch through the feet and calves.
  • Finally, alternate gently lifting the knees as you march in place a few times.

Chair Yoga For Cardio

Day Three- The Core

Day 3 brings us to some chair yoga exercises with a focus on the core. That being said- we are always bringing awareness to the core with every pose that we practice! Here we will find some moves that support the front, back and sides of the trunk, as well as those hip adductors. Try the following gentle warm up:

  • Begin in your Mountain Pose as you take 3 nice deep breaths. Check in with your posture and how you feel today.
  • Place your hands on either side of your rib cage on the sides of your body. Take a few breaths here as you feel the rib cage expand out to the sides.
  • Next, gently roll the shoulders forward, up, back and then down a few times.
  • Release the arms down by your sides and inhale as you gently float the arms forward and up towards shoulder height. Exhale as you gently float the arms down. Repeat a few times as you move with the breath.

Chair Yoga For The Core

Day Four-The Brain

Day 4 gives us a few poses that focus on the brain. Here, we will practice some poses that involve the upper and lower body and crossing the midline-and we add a bit of coordination. Take your time here and take the modifications as needed. Try the following gentle warm-up:

  • Begin seated in your Mountain Pose as you take 3 deep breaths. Check in with how you feel.
  • Bring some awareness to your posture as you begin to alternate raising the toes up and down and then the heels up and down.
  • Bring the arms down by your sides with the palms facing forward. Inhale as you gently raise the arms out to the sides and up to shoulder height and exhale as you gently release them back down by the body. Repeat a few times as you check in with your posture.

Chair Yoga For The Brain

Day Five- Strength

Day 5 we slow it down a bit as we focus on strength. Remember that the breaths and repetitions are suggestions. Do what is right for you. Most importantly, remember to keep bringing the breath to each and every pose. Try the following gentle warm-up:

  • Begin seated in your Mountain Pose and take 3 deep breaths as you check in with how you feel.
  • Inhale as you gently bring the shoulders up to the ears. Exhale as you gently release them back down. Continue for a few times and then release the arms down by your sides with the palms facing forward.
  • Inhale as you gently raise the arms out to the sides and up to shoulder height. Exhale as you release the arms back down. Continue for a few repetitions as you bring awareness to your posture.
  • Next, inhale as you gently straighten one knee and exhale as you return the foot to the ground. Repeat a few times as you alternate right to left.

Chair Yoga For Strength

Day Six-Chair Yoga To Get Moving

Day 6 brings us another set of poses to get us moving. Again, pick a time of 30 seconds to 1 minute to practice each. We have some upper body, lower body, and full body moves here as well. Remember you can always break it down and do one at a time until you can combine them. Try the following gentle warm-up:

  • Begin in your Mountain Pose as you take 3 deep breaths and check in with how you feel today. 
  • Check in with your posture as you begin to bend and straighten the elbows a few times.
  • Bring some more awareness to the breath as you slowly alternate lifting one knee up and down and then the other.
  • Finally, clasp the opposite hand to the opposite elbow and inhale as you gently lift the elbows up in front of the body and exhale as you lower. Continue a few more times as you deepen the breath.

Chair Yoga To Get Moving

Day Seven-Grounded

On day 7 we finish up the week with a few chair yoga exercises to help you feel grounded. Really focus on the support of the chair and the earth, as well as your body as you practice these poses. Take your time here and really notice how you feel. Try the following gentle warm-up:

  • Begin seated in your Mountain Pose as you take 3 deep breaths.
  • Begin to lift the toes and then the heels as you feel the ground under your feet.
  • Inhale as you sit tall and lengthen the spine. Exhale as you gently turn your head and look to the right. Take a breath here and exhale as you return to center. Repeat on the left side.
  • Gently open and close the hands a few times as you stretch the fingers.

Chair Yoga For Grounding

I hope that you enjoyed these chair yoga exercises for seniors in this One Week Chair Yoga Challenge and learned a few chair yoga exercises to add to your daily routine. Remember it does not have to be perfect, focus more on how you feel than how it looks. Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Want More?

Take a look at the Resources Page for all the above Printables as well as more ideas to help you keep moving.

If you would like to learn more about the breath, take a look at Breathing For Better Mobility

I invite you to take a look at Chair Yoga for Cardio for some simple tips on adding cardio exercise to your day.

Take a look at Chair Yoga for Functional Strength to learn about the importance of strength training.

And, if you or someone you care for has Osteoporosis, you may be interested in looking at Chair Yoga and Osteoporosis.

You can find seated chair yoga videos at The Peaceful Chair YouTube Channel.

Finally, visit The Peaceful Chair Etsy Shop for health and wellness related printable pages.

I also invite you to sign up for the Monthly Email Newsletter to stay up to date on the latest blog posts and videos.


Disclaimer: The Peaceful Chair and strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before starting this or any exercise program.The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not to be used in place of medical advice or information from your healthcare provider. Neither The Peaceful Chair,, nor any of its contributors shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information contained in any links, videos, or any content on this website.