Healthy Eating Tips- At Any Age!

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Healthy Eating Tips And Resources- No Matter Your Age!

There is so much information out there on healthy eating and different types of diets- eat this- don’t eat that!  It is enough to make us want to give up before we even get started. Of course we intuitively know that healthy eating has many benefits for us in both the present and in our future. Healthy aging and healthy eating really do go together.

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But, it can be hard to know what to do when we are constantly inundated with information that seems to always be changing. The following article may be of interest to you. The article highlights 5 key lifestyle factors that lead to a longer life- they include healthy diet, regular exercise, healthy weight, not smoking, and moderate alcohol. That list is most likely not surprising to you. But it is worth a quick read.

Healthy Longevity | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

When it comes to the exact diet- that get a bit more complicated. There are 3 main diets that always top the lists of healthy diets. Take a look here if you would like some more information on the Mediterranean Diet, The MIND Diet, or The DASH Diet:

Diet Review: Mediterranean Diet | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

MIND Diet | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Diet Review: DASH | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

If we are looking for one concrete answer, then we are probably not going to find it as simple as that. However, we may find some common themes. Here is another study from Harvard: A Harvard Study Just Linked 4 Diets To Longevity: Here’s What They Are

There are also many factors involved when deciding what foods or diets to follow. Specific medical diagnoses may require us to add or eliminate certain foods. A medical diagnosis such as diabetes and osteoporosis may require special considerations. Hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases also have specific food parameters. 

The point here is that if you are looking for one answer there is not a “one diet fits all” solution. The above articles are worth a read for general information- but don’t get caught up in fad or restrictive  diets- they won’t serve you in the long run.

The bottom line is that if you are concerned about your diet for any number of reasons- head to a professional. Speak with your healthcare provider or enlist the help of a Registered Dietitian. You can search for one in your local area here: The Academy of Nutrition And Dietetics Foundation

Healthy eating can be hard- but it all comes down to some simple preparation no matter what diet you choose. Keep reading for some tips and on line resources that I found that may be of interest to you.

Simple Tips For Healthy Eating

A cropped image of a man's hands holding a bowl with fresh salad with various raw vegetables, plates, and utensils in the background.

There are a few simple things that can help us stay on track with whatever diet or plan that we choose. Take a look at some quick tips, as well as a list of online resources and blogs that may be of interest to you. At the very least, you may get some ideas or things to further explore.

4 Simple Tips To Help Get Started With Healthy Eating

1.Plan Ahead

I know this is not fun, but it works- and it also saves you money and trips to the store. Meal planning works for a lot of people, but it does take time to make it a habit. You can make it as complicated or as simple as you want. There is no shortage of systems and calendars out there to help. But, just start with a piece of paper, pick one meal (breakfast, lunch, or dinner)- and write out an option for each day. Start simple and don’t do too much at once. After you get into a routine of planning that one meal, you can add another.

Here is my simple printable Meal Planning Printable: The Peaceful Chair Etsy Shop

2.Find What Works For You

If it is not easy or accessible we won’t do it, or at least not for very long. Of course making something special now and again is great – but for daily meals it may not be the best idea. Get good at a few things and try new things in moderation. When planning, keep it simple. Pick 2 or 3 things for breakfast and lunch to rotate. This keeps your shopping easier and more cost effective, but it also gives you a bit of variety.

3. Back Up Plans

Have easy backup plans when your main plan goes out the window. Have some staples that you know you can always turn to- have ingredients stocked for things that are easy to prepare.

4. Realistic Expectations

If we are really trying to make some significant changes with our diet, we need to be sure that we are setting goals that are realistic. Make one change at a time and then move to the next. If we start off with an all or nothing mindset, we can get derailed pretty quickly.

Consistent wins from meeting small and attainable goals can help keep us energized and feeling accomplished.

So, there are some simple things to think about. I also wanted to highlight 5 Blogs that you may be interested in when it comes to healthy eating. No matter where you are in life- there is something here for seniors, busy families, and everything in between.

5 Food Related Blogs To Help With Meal Planning

1.Well Plated by Erin

This blog has great recipes that are healthy and easy to follow. What I love the most about this blog is that she offers weekly meal plans – they include 5 dinner recipes plus a bonus treat and a shopping list- for free! Take a look if you think that may be helpful to you.

2. Tasty

This blog is full of easy to follow recipes, plus meal plans and cooking tips and tricks on all sorts of cooking options. Recipes can be sorted by healthy, vegan, vegetarian, low carb, and high protein.


This blog has tons of great information and recipes. You can find meal plans for special diets such as heart healthy, gluten free, diabetes, as well as others that are created by registered dieticians. They have meal planning tips, how to’s, tips for healthy eating with children, and much more. Take a look if you think it may be helpful to you.

4.Minimalist Baker

Don’t let the name dissuade you, it is not all about baking. This blog does have lots of vegan and gluten free recipes as well. The great thing about this blog is that all the recipes fall into at least one of these categories: 10 ingredients or less, one bowl preparation, or 30 minutes or less. Take a look and see what you think.

5.Clean Eating Kitchen

This blog is full of recipes and information on clean eating with limited processed foods. All recipes include a gluten or dairy free option. It could be a great recipe resource for those with food allergies or sensitivities. Great also if you are looking for smoothie or juice recipes as well. Let me know what you think!

I hope that you found something useful here, keep reading for some special considerations that you may be interested in.

Special Considerations For Healthy Eating

Here are some links and resources on some varying topics:

1. Meals on Wheels

This is a wonderful program that operates in almost every community in America through programs that are local and run independently. The goal is to support seniors to help them live healthier in their own homes. Visit the website to find a local chapter near you for more information: Meals on Wheels America

2. Bone Health And Osteoporosis Foundation

Take a look at the nutrition resources of this valuable foundation for some information on nutrition and bone health. As always, information you get online should not be a substitute for speaking with your healthcare provider. You may also find this website a great starting point for trusted and science backed information if you or someone you care for has a diagnosis of osteoporosis. However, when it comes to osteoporosis, prevention is key and that does include a healthy diet and weight bearing exercise:  Bone Health And Osteoporosis Foundation: Nutrition

3. Food Insecurity 

Millions of older adults are affected by hunger and food insecurity. Take a look at this website for some information on food assistance programs : Food Assistance for Older Adults. The National Council On Aging (NCOA) also has lots of other information on healthy aging and resources for older adults. Take a look through the website if you think it may be valuable to you or someone you care for.

4. American Heart Association

Besides being a great source for heart related health conditions, they provide resources for individuals and caregivers and access to support systems that you can explore. They also have a nutrition section with tips, recipes, shopping lists, and a lot of great info-graphics that you can print out for easy reminders on various topics. Take a look at the nutrition section, or explore the rest of the website for some information that may be helpful to you or someone you care for.

5. American Diabetes Association

Lastly, we have the American Diabetes Association. Here you can find the latest information on diabetes and diabetes related news such as medications and insulin, as well as nutrition information. They have an interactive meal planner that you can use to save recipes, then add them to your meal plan, and create a shopping list. Take a look at the nutrition section, or explore the rest of the website for more info.

So, I hope that you found some resources to help you get on your way to healthy eating or at least came away with some new recipes or resources that can be beneficial to you or someone you care for.  You can use this information as starting point, but again be sure seek out the help of  your healthcare provider or a registered dietician if you have specific concerns and questions.

Let me know what you found!

Want More?

If you are interested in more resources for healthy aging, you may be interested in these Healthy Aging Resources to help keep active

If you would like some more information on Osteoporosis, you may want to check out Chair Yoga And Osteoporosis

Here are some resources on  Yoga and Cancer

Or, if you are looking to add some movement to your day you may be interested in the 7 Day Chair Yoga Challenge or the One Week At Home Chair Yoga Challenge

You may be interested in my Habit Tracker Notebook

Take a look at The Peaceful Chair Etsy Shop for more health and wellness related printable pages, notebooks, and more

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Disclaimer: The Peaceful Chair and strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before starting this or any exercise program.The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not to be used in place of medical advice or information from your healthcare provider. Neither The Peaceful Chair,, nor any of its contributors shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information contained in any links, videos, or any content on this website.