3 Fun Chair Yoga Postures: For Energy

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Chair Yoga Postures For Energy

Today we have 3 simple chair yoga postures to help us feel energized. I have talked about how we can use yoga to help us cultivate energy in our lives- as well as how we can keep our yoga practice energized. You can read more about that here if you are interested: Chair Yoga For Energy . But, today we have 3 poses that we can do anytime of the day whenever we need a bit of an energy boost. We won’t waste any time (or energy)  and we will get right to it. However if you would like to do some further reading on yoga and energy, you can take a look at these articles:

NIH: Yoga Poses Increase Subjective Energy and State Self-Esteem in Comparison to ‘Power Poses’

Science Daily: Yoga, meditation improve brain function and energy levels

NIH: Exploring the therapeutic effects of yoga and its ability to increase quality of life

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As always, it is recommended that you consult with your healthcare provider before starting this or any exercise program. Always do what is right for you today and be aware of any movement restrictions that you may have. Never force or strain and always stop this or any exercise immediately if you experience pain, shortness of breath, or dizziness. Let’s get right to it.

3 Chair Yoga Postures To Help Us Feel Energized

You may choose to do a few warm up movements before trying these 3 poses. Try the following suggested warm up. Sit in a comfortable and supported position in your chair with a long spine and the feet planted firmly on the ground. Yoga blocks or thick books can be placed on the floor if your feet do not rest evenly:

  • Take 3 deep breaths and then begin to circle the shoulders forward, up, back, and down- repeat 3-4 times
  • Clasp opposite hand to opposite elbow- inhale to gently raise the elbows up to shoulder height and exhale to lower back down- repeated 3-4 times
  • Rest the hands on the thighs, inhale as you gently arch the back and exhale to return to neutral- repeated 2-3 times
  • Release the arms by the sides with the palms facing the body- inhale to rotate the palms forward and exhale to rotate the palms back towards the body- repeat 3-4 times

1. 5 Pointed Star

A woman seated in a chair near a window practicing the chair yoga pose five pointed star with both arms raised in a V shape.

Begin seated in Mountain Pose ( you may choose to sit all the way back in the chair or sit forward a few inches)

Thighs and feet are parallel- feet planted firmly on the ground with ankles in line with the knees as best you can

Arms are by the sides with the palms facing forward

Elongate the spine and engage the core

Inhale as you raise the arms out to the side and up into a V shape

Gently stretch through the fingers- shoulders are down away from the ears

Feel the stretch in the forearms, the side body, and the shoulders

Stay here for 2-3 breaths – or as desired

On an exhale, gently release the arms back by the side of the body

Repeat 2-3 times or as desired

2. Downward Facing Dog

A woman seated in a chair near a window with her dog next to her practicing a modified downward facing dog with her arms raised in front of the body and her wrists extended.

Begin seated in Mountain Pose, either all the way back in the chair or forward a few inches

Thighs and feet are parallel- feet planted firmly on the ground with ankles in line with the knees as best you can

Arms are by the sides with the palms facing the body

Inhale as you elongate the spine and engage the core

Exhale to hinge forward at the hip creases (spine stays long, not rounded)- It may only be an inch or two

Inhale to raise the arms forward and up

Exhale to rotate the palms down and if it is right for you, gently extend the wrists (fingers back toward the face)

Stay here for 2-3 breaths as you elongate the spine 

On an exhale, gently release the arms down and hinge at the hips to return to center

Repeat 1-2 more times or as desired

Optional: Extend one knee or both knees to further stretch through the back of the leg and hamstrings as shown here:

A woman seated in a chair for chair yoga with one leg extended and both arms raised in front of the body with the fingers towards the face for Downward Facing Dog variation.

A woman seated in a chair for chair yoga pose Downward Facing dog with both legs extended in front of the body and arms forward with the fingers back towards the face.

3. Cobra

A woman seated in a chair next to a window with her dog near her practicing a chair yoga pose of modified low push up with her elbows bent near her sides and the wrists extended.

Begin seated in Mountain Pose, either all the way back in the chair or forward a few inches

Thighs and feet are parallel- feet planted firmly on the ground with ankles in line with the knees as best you can

Arms are by the sides with the palms facing the body

Inhale as you elongate the spine and engage the core

Exhale to hinge forward at the hip creases (spine stays long, not rounded) – It may only be an inch or two

Inhale to raise the arms forward and up

Exhale to bring the elbows back by the body 

Inhale to rotate the palms to face the floor and gently arch the back- you may choose to slightly extend the wrists to further stretch through the forearms

Neck stays neutral

Stay here for 2-3 breaths or as desired

Exhale to gently release the arms by the sides and hinge at the hips to return to center

Repeat 1-2 more times or as desired

I hope that you enjoyed these 3 chair yoga poses to help energize the body. Be sure to take the modifications that work for you today. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Keep reading if you would like more chair yoga poses and resources to help you cultivate energy with movement.

Want More Tips For Energy?

Here is a link to a fun chair yoga sequence: Chair Yoga Sequence For Energy

If you are interested in a standing chair yoga posture, you may be interested in these Tree Pose variations

You may also enjoy this chair yoga modified version of a Sun Salutation to help facilitate energy

Or, these tips for Decreasing Stress With Rest

And, some tips on Energy Conservation and Breathing

If you are looking for a gift to boost someone’s mood, you may be interested in this Sending You Sunshine gift box from Etsy

I invite you to sign up for the Monthly Email Newsletter to stay up to date on the latest blog posts and videos.

Finally, take a look at The Peaceful Chair Etsy Shop for more printable pages on all things health, wellness, and chair yoga!


Disclaimer: The Peaceful Chair and thepeacefulchair.com strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before starting this or any exercise program.The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not to be used in place of medical advice or information from your healthcare provider. Neither The Peaceful Chair, thepeacefulchair.com, nor any of its contributors shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information contained in any links, videos, or any content on this website.