Chair Yoga Easy Pose

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Yoga Hip Stretch: Chair Yoga Easy Pose

Let’s take a look at a yoga hip stretch that we can do right from the chair- Easy Pose, or Sukhasana. On the floor, this pose is traditionally performed by sitting with a long spine and crossing the legs. You are probably familiar with this image and the term “easy” may not exactly be how you would describe this particular pose. This pose may also be familiar to you as the yoga hip stretch “pigeon” pose. 

This pose is traditionally used at the beginning or end of a yoga session. It can be used for grounding and centering, breath practice, or meditation and reflection. It is also a base pose for multiple variations that may include twisting, forward folds, and various arm movements. It serves to stretch the hips and knees, strengthen the back, and broaden the chest. Grounding poses can also help us to clear our minds and bring balance to our nervous systems.

There is most certainly a great deal happening in this “easy pose”. If you have tightness in your hips, it can be very hard to maintain a long spine while performing this pose. The good news is that we can modify this in the chair and still get all those great benefits. Improved mobility in the hips can help make a variety of activities easier (getting in and out of a car, transfers in and out of the shower/bathtub). Make sure that you do not have any range of motion restrictions in your hips before trying this pose.

When performed in the chair, this yoga hip stretch has a wonderful functional benefit. Bending forward to put socks and shoes on is not always a great choice for a variety of reasons. Bringing the foot up as you do these functional tasks can help protect the spine. If you are looking for a quick video tutorial on this pose, scroll down to the bottom of the post.

Or, you may be interested in this lower body stretch and mobility sequence where we incorporate this pose: Lower Body Mobility And Stretch

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How Do We Practice This Yoga Hip Stretch?

Follow the detailed cues to help practice this modified half easy pose. Then keep reading for some tips on ways to modify it as well as how to incorporate it into our daily lives or exercise routines. You can add blocks or thick books as shown for props with this pose. Here are some yoga blocks that are relatively inexpensive: yoga block or a set of 2 yoga blocks.

Begin seated with a nice long spine- You may sit all the way back in the chair or scoot forward a few inches

Keep the chest broad and the shoulders relaxed

Ground down through one foot and inhale to lengthen the spine

On an exhale, raise the opposite knee up towards the sky and rotate the hip externally as you use your hands to guide the foot and rest it on the opposite thigh

Keep the spine long and the chest broad- do not round through the upper back

Stay here for 1-3 breath cycles as able

On an exhale, gently release the foot back to the floor

Repeat on the other side

Half Easy Pose

A woman seated in a chair for chair yoga easy pose with one ankle crossed over the opposite knee.

How Can We Modify This Pose?

If your hips have significant tightness, start by simply letting the thigh fall out to the side. The outside edge of the foot will be resting on the floor.

You can stack some thick books, roll a thick blanket, or some yoga blocks next to the opposite leg and place the foot there. Build it as high or as low as you need. Remember not to force the stretch. You want to be able to maintain a long spine and avoid rounding through the back.

You can add on to the pose in any position that you have chosen by hinging forward at the hips (not rounding through the spine). This will deepen the stretch. Remember to keep breathing.

A woman seated in a chair for modified easy pose with one ankle resting on a yoga block for modified easy pose.

How Can We Use Yoga Hip Stretch?

This can be an intense stretch for a lot of people. Gently warm up the hip before doing this by marching in place, bringing the thigh out to the side and back in, or doing small hip circles. 

Add this stretch into your day when you know you may be doing an activity that will require some hip range of motion.

If you put your shoes on in this position, add the hip hinge to further stretch and engage the muscles in the core. You can turn this into a functional exercise!

Here is a quick read about why we are so hard on ourselves and what we can do to “take it easy”. Remember to always do what is right for you today. You can check out the quick video here: Easy Pose

Want More Chair Yoga Stretches?

You may be interested in these other chair yoga hip stretches: 5 Chair Yoga Poses For The Hips

If you are new to chair yoga, take a look at Is Chair Yoga Right for You?

Take a look at the 7 Day Chair Yoga Challenge or the One Week Chair Yoga Challenge if you are interested in adding movement to your day.

Visit The Peaceful Chair Etsy Shop for health and wellness related printables.

Or, check out The Peaceful Chair YouTube Channel for more videos.

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Disclaimer: The Peaceful Chair and strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before starting this or any exercise program.The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not to be used in place of medical advice or information from your healthcare provider. Neither The Peaceful Chair, the, nor any of its contributors shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information contained in any links, videos, or any content on this website.