Yoga For Autumn: Adapting Our Practice On And Off The Mat

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Yoga For Autumn: Tips For All Levels

We may or may not give this much thought, but as the seasons change- so do our bodies, minds, and energy levels. Maybe you find yourself ready for the change in season, or maybe the change to the next season gives you stress. With a bit of mindfulness we can help make the adjustment a bit easier on our minds, bodies, and spirits. This is true for all aspects of our lives, but here we will talk specifically about our practice of yoga for autumn- but we will touch on a few general tips to help us transition between seasons even if you don’t have a yoga practice. Be sure to scroll down to get the free printable pages to help you transition with the season!

So, even if you do not have a regular yoga practice – you can still find some ideas and tips that can just help you feel better and find more joy in daily life.  We are starting with Autumn as that is our current season. But, check back as we continue this series and find tips for all four seasons. Yoga is a practice deeply rooted in the rhythms of nature. By aligning our yoga practice with the seasons, we can help create a more harmonious experience that can help us to feel our best all year long. 

Keep reading for some tips on how we can do this for the Autumn season, some online resources to help us get started with some practices – plus some simple things we can do in our everyday life “off the mat” to help the transition between the seasons so that we can feel our best.

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As an aside, Ultimate Bundles is rolling out a 3 Day Flash Sale – A Year Of Holidays Bundle. It is digital products to help plan and enjoy the holidays. You can take a look here if you are interested in learning more: A Year Of Holidays Bundle. The sale starts Monday the 14th.

Yoga For Autumn- A Season Of Reflection And Release

As the leaves begin to fall (depending on where you live), Autumn can be a wonderful invitation to reflect on all the “things” that we have collected thus far and to possibly let go of anything that is no longer serving us. Autumn is my favorite season and I love to use this as a time to clear out and declutter- both my space and my mind. There is a shift in energy as Autumn approaches and we can modify our yoga practice and the practices and routines of our daily lives to accommodate this. 

Three woman walking with walking poles on a path among autumn colored trees.

1. Embrace Grounding Practices

Grounding poses can serve to help us feel more stable and balanced as we transition to the time change and the change in weather and responsibilities. We can incorporate more poses such as Mountain Pose Variations (Tadasana), Chair Pose (Utkatasana) and Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana) to help us feel rooted and stable. Paying attention to how we feel in stillness is just as important as how we feel when we are moving around. Take a look at these ideas for various levels to help you get started.

Chair Yoga For Grounding : Root Chakra

Root To Rise ( Yoga With Adriene)

Yoga For Anxiety And Stress 20 Minute Flow (Jess Yoga)

2. Focus on Breathwork (Pranayama)

Pranayama, or breath practice, is a large part of yoga. Autumn is a great time to practice and focus on breathwork that serves to warm and energize the body. Examples include Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath) and Bhastrika (Bellow’s Breath). If you are just beginning, these breath practices can sometimes feel overwhelming, If you prefer, just take a few moments each day to check in a bit more closely with your breath. You can do this during exercise or yoga practice, or you can just check in during moments of rest. Or, here are some resources I found to help you get started:

Understanding Kapalabhati ( Ventuno Yoga) 7 Minutes

Bhastrika Pranyama (Ventuno Yoga) 9 Minutes

3. Incorporate Slow, Mindful Flows

As we begin a season of nature slowing its pace, we can also begin to slow our pace. Practices can incorporate flows and transitions that focus on our breath and the sensations in the body- how we move between the poses. As always, listen to your body. Sun Salutations may be a familiar term, but we can also give Moon Salutations a try. Or we can just slow down the pace and move with a renewed sense of intention. You may be interested in these  options:

Moon Practice (Yoga With Adriene) 15 Minutes

Chair Yoga For Beginners: Move With The Breath (23 Minutes)

45 Minute Slow Flow-Deep Stretch (Yoga With Kassandra)

Chair Yoga For Reflection (24 Minutes)

4. Add Warmth To Our Practice 

We want to be mindful of properly warming up before exercise all year long. However, as the temperature dips, this becomes a bit more important. We can aim to start our practice- or our day- with a few gentle stretches and movements. This can also serve our everyday life as well- start slowly and take a few extra minutes in the morning to help set an intention for the day. Here are some examples to get you started:

10 Minute Morning Yoga Stretch ( Yoga With Bird)

Quick Upper Body Sequence: To Stretch And Lengthen (11 Minutes)

5. Practice Heart-Opening Poses

With every season, heart opening poses make an appearance. In Autumn, as we let go of that which is no longer serving us, we can also includes such poses as Bridge (Setu Bandhasana), Sphinx Pose, and Cobra (Bhujangasana) to gently open through the chest and relieve unwanted tension. Remember that there are many variations of the poses and while it is wonderful to challenge ourselves, we should remember not to compare ourselves to others. Focus more on the sensation than on the shape and you will always achieve the benefits of each pose. Here are some links to help you get started:

Restorative Yoga For Chest, Shoulders, And Upper Back ( Yoga With Bird) (15 Minutes)

20 Minute Heart Opening Flow (Jess Yoga)

Chair Yoga For Heart Chakra: Gentle Heart Openers (21 Minutes)

6. Emphasize Hip Openers

This hips have a tendency to store emotions and stress and can be an area of tightness for many. We can include hip opening poses such as Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana), Garland Pose (Malasana), and Reclined Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana). Remember to focus on ease of movement here instead of cramming ourselves into a certain shape. Here are some examples to help you get started:

Morning Hip Release 15 Minutes (Yoga With Adriene)

Chair Yoga: Lower Body Mobility (17 Minutes)

10 Minute Morning Yoga For Hips ( Yoga With Kassandra)

7. Introduce Restorative Practices

As the days become shorter, we may feel the need for more rest and winding it down a bit earlier than we did in Summer. We can incorporate more restorative poses such as Child’s Pose (Balasana) or Legs Up The Wall (Viparita Karani). We can dedicate a full restorative practice or we can simple add some of these poses into our day to help with our energy. Ending the day with a restorative practice can be a great way to unwind and go into the evening feeling less of the stress of the day. Here are some ideas to help get you started:

Fall Equinox 30 Minute Restorative Yoga Practice (Caren Hope)

Chair Yoga: 20 Minute Restorative Sequence

15 Minute Bedtime Yoga (no standing) (Yoga With Bird)

You may also be interested in this Restorative Yoga Book. It is simple to use and has 36 poses and 20 sequences. Sometimes just learning a few poses that you can call on anytime can be helpful. I often will practice a few minutes of Child’s Pose between activities in the day: Restorative Yoga For Beginners

8. Honor the Change with Meditation and Reflection

A cropped image of a table with a candle and a pair of glasses on it with a woman's hands holding a pen while she writes in a journal for a mindfulness practice.

We can adapt our meditation practice to focus more on the themes of letting go and gratitude- as well as embracing change. You may also be interested in learning about Yoga Nidra: What Is Yoga Nidra (Cleveland Clinic)

Or, take some time to journal and set some new intentions. You may be interested in these journal options:

Gratitude Journals by Promptly Journals

Fill Your Cup- Paperback Daily Journal

Because autumn is associated with harvest, you may choose to align your gratitude practice or daily affirmation practice with that theme. Affirmation such as “ I am grateful for the abundance in my life” can be a good starting point. You can take a look at some more tips here in starting a Gratitude Practice. Or here are some more ideas to help you get started:

Fall Visualization Practice (Mindful Minutes)

Autumn Gratitude Meditation (NCHPAD) (7 Minutes)

If you experience anxiety, you may be interested in taking a look at the jewelry brand Presently They design mantra bracelets that are based in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. They are beautiful and come in a variety of styles and you can choose your phrase.

9. Adjust Your Diet and Hydration

Of course, we also have to nourish the body with good food and proper hydration. We can focus on warm foods like soups and stew as well as teas to aid in digestion, such as ginger and turmeric. This is a good time of year to check in with your nutrition. Keeping our immune system strong is crucial this time of year as we head into cold and flu season. We can check in with our healthcare provider if we have any concerns. Then, we can set ourselves up for success. Here is some info to help you get started if you are interested:

10 Healthy Fall Foods And The Best Way To Eat Them (Everyday Health)

Eating Healthy At Any Age- Tips And Resources

By adjusting our yoga practice and our daily routines to align with the energy of Autumn and embrace the changes, we can create a better connection to ourselves and enter this season with more mindfulness and joy. Keep reading for some practical tips for our everyday life and be sure to check back in December for tips for the Winter season.

Simple Tips To Transition To Autumn

  • Make a to- do list of larger tasks that you need or want to get done before the holiday season begins- car maintenance, home maintenance, decluttering, travel plans etc. Getting these things off our plate and into a plan can allow us to make space for things we want and need – thus helping us to feel in control.
  • Make a daily to do list to stay on track with your intentions and align the day how you visualize it.
  • Do a self check in to assess how you are feeling and what, if any, changes you may need to make to your diet or exercise plans.
  • Create a fall bucket list so you do not miss out on opportunities that will add joy to your daily life.
  • Get outside as much as possible to take in some daily sunlight. We may have to adjust our daily routine as needed to accommodate for the time change.
  • If it is an issue for you, make a plan to help combat seasonal affective disorder.
  • Taking care of our skin is important for our health as well. Check in with your skin and adjust your routine as needed as drier weather begins to appear.
  • Make a plan (or a general idea) of how you would like to spend the holidays. This time of year can be stressful and is not a time of joy for everyone. Be sure to seek out help from your healthcare provider if you notice any mental health issues.
  • Add something new to your environment! Find a new piece of art, new music, a great book, a new candle- anything that is inspiring to you. It doesn’t have to be expensive or grand. Sometimes we just need a little pick me up to spark some joy.
  • Print out these Free Printable Pages to help you get started: Autumn Pages
  • Or, print out this checklist to use for your Holiday Planning: Holiday To Do List

I hope that you found one or two things that resonated with you and that you found helpful. Let me know in the comments below. I also invite you to sign up for the Monthly Email Newsletter to stay up to date on the latest posts and videos or take a look at The Peaceful Chair Etsy Shop for health and wellness related printable pages and more.


Disclaimer: The Peaceful Chair and strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before starting this or any exercise program.The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not to be used in place of medical advice or information from your healthcare provider. Neither The Peaceful Chair, the, nor any of its contributors shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information contained in any links, videos, or any content on this website.