How To Find Motivation With Yoga

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Harnessing Yoga To Overcome Lack Of Motivation: How To Find Motivation

Motivation- it is a great thing to have but sometimes it is hard to find. We can get unmotivated in almost every area of our life. Sometimes it comes from being:

  • Overwhelmed
  • Not trusting our instincts
  • Being overstimulated
  • Not finding the joy in our daily lives
  • Not being able to make decisions
  • Not having a physical or emotional need met

In this sometimes over-scheduled and hectic environment that we live in, feeling unmotivated is a common challenge that many of us face at one point or another. The constant demands, stressors, and distractions can leave us feeling drained and uninspired. When we find ourselves trapped in this cycle of demotivation, turning to yoga can offer a welcome path to finding some more light and joy in our lives. Keep reading for 5 ways yoga can help us find our motivation plus 15 simple tips to help us to get unstuck.

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You can find this month’s chair yoga sequence here: Chair Yoga For Motivation.

If you are interested in a simple free Goals Chart, take a look here: Goal Chart.

Or if you are looking to add journaling to your daily routine, you may be interested in my simple Daily Journal Notebook.

How To Find Motivation With Yoga: 5 Ways Yoga Can Help Us Feel More Motivated

As I have said before, the ancient practice of yoga does not focus solely on the physical, but also nourishes the mind and spirit. Let’s take a look at some ways we can use yoga to help us feel energized and help us to conquer moments of feeling unmotivated.

1. The Mind-Body Connection

As we have already discussed, yoga is more than just a physical exercise; it’s a holistic practice that focuses on the connection between the mind, the body, and the breath. When we are feeling unmotivated, our mind and body are often out of sync. Engaging in a yoga routine can help bridge this gap by focusing our attention on the present moment and our body’s movements. 

As we move through each posture, we can concentrate on our breath and allow it to guide our movements and create a sense of mindfulness. This mindful awareness can help us to break the cycle of negative thought patterns and bring us back to the present moment. It can help us to find a new sense of purpose- even if just for a moment.

You may be interested in the 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge. It has 21 days of quick, simple, and accessible activities to help you bring more awareness to your daily life and you don’t need any fancy equipment to get started.

2. Helps To Cultivate Self-Compassion

Yoga encourages self-compassion and self-acceptance, which can be incredibly beneficial during times of “unmotivation”. Instead of being critical of ourselves for feeling low on energy, we can approach our practice with a non-judgmental attitude. Each time we begin our yoga practice, it can be a reminder that we are taking a positive step toward taking care of ourselves. By cultivating self-compassion through yoga, we can create an environment for our motivation to grow.

If we are kind to ourselves on the mat or “the chair”, we will be kind to ourselves in our daily lives. Just as we should avoid comparing ourselves to others in terms of how a particular yoga pose looks on our bodies, we can try to stop comparing ourselves to others in our daily life.

3. Poses Can Give Us Energy

Certain yoga poses are particularly effective in increasing energy levels and decreasing that feeling of lethargy. Incorporating a few of these poses into our practice- or daily life- can help us feel revitalized and motivated. When it comes to movement- once we stop moving, it can get very hard to get started again. I think a lot of it comes from not breathing well. You can look here for some info on that: Breathing For Better Mobility.

Muscles become tight from not moving- we don’t get rid of those by products from our basic bodily functions. Constant low level muscle contractions that come from sitting, especially with improper posture, really can have an effect on how we feel. We need movement and we need to breathe! Here are a few examples:

  • Sun Salutations warm up the body and energize the mind. There are many variations. You can find my modified chair yoga sequence here. Or here is a standing version that is great for beginners: Sun Salutation For Beginners: 13 Minutes
  • Backbends help to open through the front body and stimulate the nervous system. You can see a chair yoga pose variation of Locust here. Or this mat version: Locust Pose For Beginners.
  • Warrior Poses build strength and stability. You can find my Chair Yoga Modified Warrior 2 here, or take a look at a standing version tutorial here: Warrior 2 For Beginners.
  • Inversions like headstands and handstands increase blood flow to the brain and allow for increased mental clarity. We can modify and use our power of visualization with the modified headstand in the chair here: Chair Yoga For Crown Chakra.

I invite you to take a look at this month’s chair yoga sequence that can help us to get moving in a gentle way. Take some deep breaths, expand the rib cage, energize the muscles, and fire up the core to increase your confidence. If you have 10 minutes, give it a try. As always it is recommended to consult with your healthcare provider before starting this or any exercise program. Always go at your own pace and stop any exercise immediately if you experience pain, shortness of breath, or dizziness.

Simple poses are included in this sequence. If you would like a further look at these poses, you can take a look here:

Staff Pose

Cactus Arms

Chair Pose

4. Mindfulness Meditation

Integrating mindfulness meditation into our yoga practice can further enhance our ability to overcome feelings of no motivation. After completing our physical practice, we can find a comfortable seated position and focus on our breath. We can simply allow our thoughts to come and go without judgment and gently redirect our attention back to the breath whenever our mind wanders. This practice can help us to find inner stillness and clarity, allowing us to tap into our own sources of motivation. There are many to choose from with a search on YouTube, you may be interested in this video:

10 Minute Guided Meditation For Beginners

5. Setting Intention

Before beginning our yoga practice, it can be helpful to take a moment to set an intention. This can be a word, phrase, or affirmation that resonates with us and reflects what we want to cultivate in our life. This intention can act as a guide to help remind us of our purpose. Hopefully it will translate into our daily lives. You may be interested in taking a look at Root Chakra for a few ideas or you may be interested in my printable positive affirmation cards as well. It does not have to be complicated.

I also love this affirmation card set: 52 Positive Affirmations For Women

Yoga is a powerful tool for combating lack of motivation. By nurturing the mind-body connection, cultivating self-compassion, practicing energizing poses, embracing mindfulness, and setting intentions, we can tap into our inner sources of motivation. Remember, our yoga practice doesn’t have to be perfect. What matters is showing up for yourself with a willingness to embrace the journey. Keep reading for some simple tips to help you feel more motivated and get “unstuck”.

15 Simple Tips To Help Us Get “Unstuck”

A white wooden sign that says

1. Start Small

When motivation is low, the idea of tackling a big task can be overwhelming. We can break our goals into smaller and more manageable steps. By accomplishing these smaller tasks, we will gradually build momentum and a sense of achievement that can boost our motivation.

2. Set Clear Goals

If we are more conscious of making our goals specific and achievable, we will be better equipped to achieve them. Having a clear target in mind can give us a sense of purpose and direction, making it easier to stay motivated. You may be interested in my printable Goals Planner. You can also check out Goal Setting And Planning for some simple ways to help set sustainable goals

3. Create a Routine

Establishing a daily routine can provide us with structure and it helps us to combat feelings of aimlessness. Knowing what to expect and having designated time slots for various activities can make it easier to stay on track. But don’t worry about being exact here, a rough and general time frame can work as well.

4. Understand your “Why”

I have mentioned this before in Motivation For Movement. It is helpful for us to take a moment and remind ourselves why we are doing something in the first place. If we connect with the underlying reasons and passions that led us to start something, we can rekindle that sense of purpose. This can help us to reignite our motivation.

5. Visualize Success

Let’s take a few moments to visualize ourselves achieving our goals. Let us imagine the feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction. Visualization can help us to create feelings of positivity and can help move us forward.

6. Seek Inspiration

Surround yourself with sources of inspiration. Whether it’s reading books, watching motivational videos, listening to podcasts, or connecting with other people. By adding some positivity to our day, we can get a boost in our spirit and that can propel us toward action.

7. Practice Self-Compassion

We talked about this above in the ways that yoga practice can help us with motivation. But it is helpful to understand that we all have times when we have low motivation, it is completely natural. We need to try to be kind to ourselves so that we can and avoid self-criticism. How would you speak to a friend or family member who was having trouble finding direction?

8. Change Your Environment

Sometimes, a change of scenery can do wonders for your motivation. It is as simple as that. Getting outside can help us to change our perspective and help us get an energy boost in our bodies and our minds. 

If we can not get outside, is there a way that we can change our environment? Can we hang a new picture, rearrange some furniture, change up where we fold our laundry? You may be interested in taking a look at the Chakra Series for finding more balance. You can start with the Root Chakra.

9. Eliminate Distractions

We can take a moment to identify and minimize distractions that might be draining our motivation. This could include turning off notifications on our devices, decluttering our home or workspace, or setting specific times for certain tasks such as checking email or using social media. If you want to start by organizing you home, you may be interested in this decluttering planner.

10. Practice Self-Care

We can try to prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, proper nutrition, and sufficient sleep. A healthy body and mind provide a strong foundation for motivation. Start slowly here- don’t try to do everything all at once. Pick one area and start there.

11. Reward Yourself

We should be celebrating our achievements!  Treat yourself to something you enjoy as a way of acknowledging your progress and maintaining a positive outlook.

12. Connect with Others

It can be helpful to share our goals and challenges with friends, family, or a supportive community. Connecting with others who understand our journey can provide encouragement and accountability. There are lots of ways to do this. You may be interested in The Crown Chakra: How To Feel More Connected

13. Change Your Perspective

Instead of focusing on the entire task, we can concentrate only on the next step. Overthinking can lead to overwhelm- and that can cause us to lose motivation pretty quickly. If we take things one step at a time, we can make the journey feel more manageable (and also more enjoyable).

14. Embrace Failure

Understand that setbacks are part of the process. Instead of seeing failure as a roadblock, we can view it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Resilience in the face of challenges can drive motivation. We should be proud of ourselves!

15. Seek Professional Help

If feelings of  decreased motivation persist and start affecting our daily life, we can consider seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor who can provide strategies tailored to your situation. Be sure to see your healthcare provider if you have concerns.

Not sure where to start? Just take 3 deep breaths and then see how you feel or try these quick ideas:

  • Make a to do list
  • Do something for 5 minutes- if you feel like stopping after that you can- but notice how you feel
  • Make a list of your accomplishments
  • Make a goal
  • Call or text a friend

Remember, motivation is not a constant state; it ebbs and flows. Implementing these tips can help us to navigate the times when motivation is low and pave the way for a more motivated and fulfilling life. I hope that you found 1 or 2 tips on how to find motivation useful. Let me know what you think in the comments below!

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Disclaimer: The Peaceful Chair and strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before starting this or any exercise program.The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not to be used in place of medical advice or information from your healthcare provider. Neither The Peaceful Chair,, nor any of its contributors shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information contained in any links, videos, or any content on this website.