Creative Hobbies For Healthy Aging: Simple Ideas To Get Started

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Creative Hobbies And Healthy Aging: 7 Benefits Of Creative Pursuits

If aging well (whatever that means to you) is a goal of yours- you may be interested in taking a closer look at the many wonderful benefits of engaging in creative hobbies. From painting and writing to gardening and knitting, creative activities offer a multitude of benefits that can contribute to our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Keep reading for some benefits of participating in creative pursuits- plus some ideas and tips to help you get started.

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1. Mental Stimulation And Cognitive Health

As we age, maintaining our cognitive health is extremely important. Creative hobbies provide us with a great way to keep our brains active and engaged. Many activities- such as painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument- challenge our brains and can help foster new neural connections and enhance our cognitive function. These hobbies can stimulate various parts of the brain and help to improve our memory, problem-solving skills, and overall mental agility. Plus, they give us an opportunity to facilitate a routine in our daily lives.

There is ongoing research on this topic. You may be interested in this research: Engagement in reading and hobbies and risk of incident dementia: the MoVIES project

2. Emotional Well-being And Stress Reduction

Engaging in creative activities has been shown to reduce stress and promote emotional well-being: How Hobbies Improve Mental Health. The simple act of creating something- no matter how “successful” you think that you are-  can be incredibly therapeutic. Painting or drawing can serve as a form of self-expression that can allow us to process emotions and experiences in a non-verbal way. Similarly, activities like knitting or gardening have a meditative quality to them. This can help us to lower stress levels and promote relaxation.

3. Social Connections And Community Engagement

Many creative hobbies can be enjoyed in a group setting. This can help provide us with an opportunity for social interaction and community engagement. There are many opportunities out there if we do a bit of research. Joining a knitting circle, a writing group, or a community garden can help foster a sense of belonging that can help us if we are feeling lonely or isolated. These social connections are important for our emotional health- and they can lead to lasting friendships and help us to build supportive networks. Of course, we can also do this with our own families and we can strengthen our family relationships along the way.

4. Physical Health And Dexterity

Creative hobbies are also so beneficial for our physical health. Creative hobbies, such as gardening, woodworking, pottery making and dancing require physical activity that can improve dexterity, hand-eye coordination, and overall physical health. Gardening, for example, involves bending, digging, and planting, which can help maintain flexibility and strength. These activities encourage movement and can be a fun way to stay active without the rigidity of a structured exercise routine.

You may also be interested in these Healthy Aging Resources: Healthy Aging Resources: To Stay Active

5. Lifelong Learning And Personal Growth

Pursuing creative hobbies encourages lifelong learning and personal growth. Whether it’s taking up a new craft, learning a new instrument, or mastering a new recipe, these activities offer a sense of progression and achievement. This continuous learning process keeps the mind sharp and provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It’s never too late to start something new- no matter our age!

6. Enhancing Self-Esteem And Confidence

Creating something tangible—be it a piece of art, a knitted scarf, or a beautifully tended garden (or a simple flower arrangement) —can help to boost our self-esteem and confidence. The act of creating and completing a project can help give us a sense of pride and accomplishment. This positive reinforcement can enhance our overall well-being and encourage us to take on new challenges- in other areas of our lives.

As you can see, incorporating creative hobbies into our daily life offers us many benefits for healthy aging. And don’t worry too much about the end product when you are just starting out. Pick up that paintbrush, join that writing group, or start that garden. Find something you enjoy and just start! Not sure where to begin? Take a look at a few ideas that can help you get started. Plus, take a look at some tips that can help us to keep our motivation high and help us to feel inspired along the way.

15 Creative Hobbies For Beginners

1. Adult Coloring Books

I’m sure that you have seen these, they have become increasingly popular because they are simple and easy to use – even for those of us that do not consider ourselves creative. Coloring has stress relieving benefits and it is a low cost way to explore without any pressure. You can experiment with different types of colored pencils and the like.

Here is an example you may be interested in : Large Print: 31 Relaxing Coloring Pages

Or my simple succulent coloring pages: 6 Simple Coloring Pages

2. Photography

You don’t need any fancy camera equipment to start this hobby. Just use what you have- your phone!  You can start by just taking a look at the everyday moments and objects around you or the surrounding nature in your environment. There are also many online tutorials to help you improve your skills. If you want to get even more creative you can turn your photos into almost anything. Explore Canva for many design ideas- there is a free version that will have most of the features you need for personal use.

3. Cooking and Baking

Experimenting with new recipes or baking can be a fun and rewarding way to explore your creativity. If you have not experimented in the kitchen in a while, you can start with simple recipes. And don’t forget about cookie and cake decorating- the ideas are endless here. Even designing a cheese board can be a creative endeavor. 

A cropped image of two cookies with cookie decorating supplies.

4. Gardening

Gardening can allow us to create beautiful outdoor spaces and connect with nature at the same time. Even if we don’t have a large garden, we can start with indoor plants or a small herb garden. It’s a relaxing hobby that can also provide us with a sense of accomplishment. If gardening seems overwhelming, just start small and take your time. Or, start with a simple flower arranging project for a quick reward.

5. Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is a fantastic way to preserve memories creatively. We can use photos, ticket stubs, letters, and other items to create personalized albums. It’s a wonderful way to tell a story visually without needing any advanced artistic skills and you can always go back and change things up. You can start with a simple photo album or there is no end to the scrapbooking supplies available. Remember that it does not need to be elaborate unless you want it to be.

6. DIY Craft Kits

There is an endless supply of DIY craft kits available for beginners in all sorts of mediums- anything from candle making, to soap making, to crochet. These kits usually come with all the materials and instructions needed to complete a project, making it easy to get started. That way you can try something out without a great deal of commitment. Then, if you are interested you can explore further. You can take a look at these two examples to help you get some ideas:

Mosaic Kit DIY Coaster Craft

Personalized Door Sign

7. Journaling

We know writing is a wonderful creative outlet, but it can seem overwhelming to some of us. Journaling can be a creative outlet for expressing thoughts and feelings in a low pressure way. You can try different styles such as bullet journaling, gratitude journaling, or even art journaling, where you combine writing with doodles and sketches. No pressure here! This may be a great way to get started if you think that you don’t have a creative bone in your body. Here is a journal that you may be interested in: Art and Soul Journal

8. Music

Learning to play a musical instrument or singing can be an enjoyable and creative hobby. Plus, it is a great stress reliever. Many online resources and apps can help beginners learn instruments like the ukulele, piano, or guitar at their own pace. Just learning some notes and a simple song can help us feel accomplished. Don’t let yourself feel overwhelmed before you even start!

Here is a Beginner Piano Lesson Course on YouTube: Piano Video Lessons

9. Puzzle Games

Puzzle games like jigsaw puzzles help engage our brains and provide a sense of accomplishment upon completion. There is no limit to the types of puzzles available. My local library has a puzzle share shelf, so check out your local library to see what free resources they may have.

300 Piece Birdhouse Garden Puzzle

10. Knitting or Crocheting

These activities are great for relaxation and can be learned relatively easily through online tutorials on YouTube or in classes. You can start with simple projects like scarves or dishcloths and gradually take on more complex patterns if you wish. I learned the basics from some YouTube Channels and even though I can only do a basic crochet pattern, I find that just making scarves and blankets is very relaxing and I get a sense of accomplishment when I finish.

Here is a tutorial for crochet for absolute beginners: Single Crochet Stitch (Slow)

11. Digital Art and Design

I briefly mentioned this before, but there are several free or inexpensive apps that you can use to create digital art or designs. There are many user-friendly platforms like Canva or Procreate that allow you to experiment with graphic design, even if you don’t have prior experience. I use Canva all the time and it is very user friendly. It just takes time and playing around with it to figure things out. The more you design the better you will get. You can make wall art, cards, to do lists- the opportunities are endless.

12. Model Building

Building models (such as model cars, airplanes, or ships) can be a very fulfilling hobby. It requires patience and attention to detail, and the end result is a tangible creation you can be proud of. There are many options to choose from. There is most likely a model kit for just about anything you can think of!

Miniature Greenhouse Kit

13. Origami

Origami, the Japanese art of paper folding, is a simple yet creative hobby. All you need is paper and some basic instructions to start creating designs. You can start very simple and get more intricate if you wish. You can take a look at some tutorials here: Easy Origami For Beginners

14. Walking and Nature Exploration

While it may not seem traditionally creative, exploring nature and taking walks can inspire creativity. You can collect interesting items like leaves or rocks, or simply take photos (#2) of your discoveries and then create your own projects like collages and other art forms.

15. Painting by Numbers

This goes along with DIY kits, but painting by numbers kits allow you to create beautiful artwork without needing advanced painting skills. The kits come with numbered sections that correspond to specific colors, making it easy to complete a painting even for beginners. Don’t be discouraged if things do not come out as planned. The more we practice, the more we learn and improve.

Orange Branch Paint By Numbers

This list is by no means exhaustive- there are so many creative outlets and pursuits. The key to finding a creative hobby is to try different activities and see what resonates with you. Many of the ideas above don’t cost much, so find something that you think you might want to try and get started! Keep reading for some simple tips to get started if you are feeling unmotivated or just need a bit of inspiration.

A table with art supplies and a pair of hands holding a paper that says Creativity with various sketched creativity themed graphics.

17 Simple Tips To Help Inspire Your Creativity

1. Change Your Environment

We can rearrange our living space or visit a new place. A change of scenery can provide fresh perspectives and new ideas- even if it is just some furniture rearranging. 

2. Limit Distractions

Create a dedicated space and time for creative activities. By reducing interruptions, we can help our minds focus on creative tasks.

3. Seek Inspiration

We can look at art, read books, listen to music, or watch movies that inspire us. We can visit a museum if possible or even take a virtual museum tour right from home. Exposure to different forms of creativity can stimulate our own.

4. Practice Mindfulness

Engage in mindfulness practices such as meditation or yoga. These can help clear our mind and make space for creative thoughts.

5. Exercise Regularly

We know that we need to incorporate physical activity into our day. But activities, such as walking, can help stimulate our brain function and improve creativity.

6. Try Free Writing or Doodling

Spend a few minutes each day writing or doodling whatever comes to mind without judgment. This can help unlock creative ideas and can be especially helpful, as I mentioned earlier, if we do not feel like we are “creative”.

7. Take Breaks

We do need to give ourselves breaks to avoid burnout. Sometimes stepping away from a problem or project can lead to new insights- especially if we are trying to learn a new skill.

8. Collaborate with Others

We can engage in conversations with friends or family and see what creative endeavors that they may be exploring. We may be surprised at what someone else can expose us to. Collaborating and brainstorming can lead to new and unexpected ideas.

9. Explore New Hobbies 

Don’t be afraid to try a few things out. If something does not resonate with you, try something else.

10. Keep a Journal

Maintaining a journal to jot down ideas, thoughts, and observations may be helpful. Reviewing our entries can reveal patterns and inspire new ideas.

11. Set Creative Goals

If it works for you, you can establish specific goals for your creative projects. Having a clear objective can sometimes be helpful with our motivation.

12. Embrace Failure

Don’t be afraid to fail. Mistakes and failures can be valuable learning experiences that can help lead us to creative breakthroughs.

13. Use Prompts and Challenges

We can participate in creative challenges or use prompts to jump start our creativity. Online communities often offer monthly art, writing, or photography challenges.

14. Learn from Experts

We can take a class, attend a workshop, or watch tutorials by experts in fields that interest us. Learning new techniques can spark new ideas.

15. Limit Screen Time

Spend less time on passive activities like watching TV or scrolling through social media. We can use that time for creative pursuits instead.

16. Create a Vision Board

We can compile images, quotes, and other items that inspire us onto a board. This visual representation can serve as a constant source of motivation.

17. Stay Curious

Finally, cultivating a sense of curiosity about the world around us can be helpful. Ask questions, explore new topics, and be open to new experiences- we never know what may inspire us. By incorporating some of these strategies into our daily routine, we can help nurture and spark our creativity. Let me know what you tried in the comments below!

Want More?

Take a look at the 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge for a gentle introduction to mindfulness practices

You may also be interested in taking a look at some other hobby ideas here: The Importance Of Hobbies In Healthy Aging

Or, take a look at these unconventional ideas for adding movement and activity to your day: Fun Ways To Exercise: 6 Ideas To Add Movement To Your Day

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Finally,  take a look at The Peaceful Chair Etsy Shop for health and wellness related printables and more.


Disclaimer: The Peaceful Chair and strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before starting this or any exercise program.The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not to be used in place of medical advice or information from your healthcare provider. Neither The Peaceful Chair, the, nor any of its contributors shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information contained in any links, videos, or any content on this website.