Yoga Chair Exercises For Strength: 5 Warrior II Variations

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Chair Yoga Exercises: Benefits Of Warrior II

The practice of yoga can help us to cultivate both physical and mental strength- as well as mental calm. Among the various yoga poses, Warrior II, when adapted into a chair yoga pose, offers us an opportunity to reap those benefits in a gentle and accessible way. There are so many ways that we can adapt yoga poses to the chair- both seated and standing with the chair for support. I talked about the Warrior II pose here: Warrior II. Here, we practiced an accessible variation. We can of course adapt this- or any pose- to fit our needs. It does not have to look the same for everyone, and a reminder that when we adapt a yoga pose to the chair it does not have to have every single element that the “traditional” pose has.

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Before we get into these 5 different variations, you may be interested in taking a quick look at some of the benefits of this pose. As we know, yoga is not just an exercise for the body, but for the spirit and the mind as well. Here are 4 benefits of this powerful chair yoga exercise.

1. Builds Strength And Stability

Warrior II Chair Pose targets multiple muscle groups. Depending on which variation you choose, it targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core- as well as the upper body. Holding the pose strengthens these muscles and enhances stability and balance. We also bring awareness to our spinal alignment. As we sit tall in the chair and extend our arms and legs, we promote proper alignment of the spine. This alignment supports overall posture and reduces strain on the back- this helps us with every movement that we do.

Finally, we get some wonderful mobility in our joints. The dynamic nature of Warrior II Chair Pose encourages gentle movement in the hips, shoulders, and ankles, promoting joint flexibility and mobility.

2. Cultivates Mental Focus And Presence

We tap into our Mind Body Connection here as we engage in the physical alignment of Warrior II. As we work to maintain all of the moving parts and stay grounded through our feet, we focus on our breath and sensations and cultivate mindfulness and presence in the moment. We can use this pose to help with stress reduction. The deliberate and intentional nature of the pose can help us to alleviate stress and anxiety by anchoring our awareness in the present.

Finally, through the practice of Warrior II Chair Pose, we can help develop resilience and inner strength, both physically and emotionally. This sense of empowerment can help us to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and grace.

3. Helps Us To Tap Into Our Breath

As we engage the whole body here, we must bring awareness to our breath. By combining this pose with our deep breathing, we can help improve our respiratory function and promote relaxation. Because this pose has so many moving parts, we need to tap into our breath even more. It is common to hold our breath when doing challenge tasks or exercises. Here, we can practice tapping into our breath to help us relax into the pose and be supported at the same time.

If you are interested, you can read more about the breath and energy conservation techniques here: Breathing For Better Mobility 

4Accessibility In Our Yoga Practice

We can always use the chair for support, however just because we adapt a pose to the chair does not mean it can automatically be practiced by everyone. We all have individual challenges and limitations. This pose is a great highlight of that point. How can you make it your own? This is a powerful pose in any shape. 

That being said, let us take a look at 5 Warrior II Pose variations that range from seated to standing. All of these poses can be adapted and modified as well- for all these variations we can change the arm position, eliminate the arms, lower the arms, etc. If we make it our own, we will get all the benefits we just talked about.

5 Warrior II Pose Variations : Choose Your Level 

For the first two seated variations, you may choose to sit all the way back in your chair or forward a few inches. Also, you may choose any upper body variation that you may need today. You may always eliminate any element that does not serve you today (arm movement, neck rotation, etc.) As always it is recommended to consult with your healthcare provider before starting this or any exercise program. A gentle reminder to always listen to your body, never force or strain, and always stop this or any exercise if you experience pain, shortness of breath, or dizziness.

1. Seated Warrior II  (No Hip External Rotation)

Here, we keep the active foot parallel to the other. This is an accessible version if you are in a chair with arm rests. You still get all the main elements. Add the arms and neck rotation as desired. Step the foot out as far as is comfortable as you bring awareness to the muscles in the hips.

A woman seated in a chair near a window practicing a Warrior Two variation with both feet pointing forward and both arms raised up to shoulders height.

  • Begin seated with a long spine with the palms facing forward, feet flat on the ground and hip distance apart
  • Lengthen from the base of the spine to the top of the head
  • Ground down through the left foot to stabilize and engage the core
  • Inhale to lift the right knee up and out to the side-Exhale as you place the foot on the ground
  • Inhale to lift the arms parallel to the floor
  • Exhale as you rotate the palms down and turn your head to gaze over your right fingertips
  • Take 2-3 breaths here as desired
  • Feel the hip opening, the core engaging, the chest opening, and the muscles in the shoulders contracting
  • On an exhale, return the head to center, release the arms to the sides, and return the right foot back to center
  • Repeat on the other side

2. Seated Warrior II (With Hip External Rotation)

Here, we simply add on with some extra hip motions. It may seem like a small change, however it further engages the muscles in the outer hip, adds some more range of motion, and requires us to further connect to our core for stability. Rotate the hip only as much as is comfortable. Again, you can adjust the arms as needed and eliminate the neck rotation as desired.

A woman seated in a chair near a window practicing a Warrior 2 variation with one foot externally rotated and both arms raised up to shoulders height.

  • Begin seated with a long spine with the palms facing forward, feet flat on the ground and hip distance apart
  • Lengthen from the base of the spine to the top of the head
  • Ground down through the left foot to stabilize and engage the core
  • Inhale to lift the right knee up and out to the side-Exhale as you place the foot on the ground and externally rotate the hip so the foot is facing to the right 
  • Inhale to lift the arms parallel to the floor
  • Exhale as you rotate the palms down and turn your head to gaze over your right fingertips
  • Take 2-3 breaths here as desired
  • Feel the hip opening, the core engaging, the chest opening, and the muscles in the shoulders and hip contracting
  • On an exhale, return the head to center, release the arms to the sides, and return the right foot back to center
  • Repeat on the other side

3. Seated Warrior II With Knee Extension

This can be quite a challenging variation and does require a chair without arm rests. This variation really engages the whole body and can take a bit of playing around to find the position that works- it can seem a bit awkward! For me, this variation is more challenging than the next two standing variations. This variation can be a wonderfully supported posture to help strengthen the lower body and engage the core.

A woman seated in a chair near a window with one knee extended and off the chair for a Warrior 2 variation.

  • Begin seated at the front of your chair with a long spine, feet planted firmly on the ground and your arms by your sides with the palms facing forward
  • Inhale as you lift the right knee up, exhale as you bring the leg out to the side and rotate the hip so the toes are point away from the chair.
  • Straighten the left knee and bring the leg out to the side so the foot is on the ground with the toes slightly turned in
  • We may need to use our hands to help you come into this position
  • Inhale to raise the arms up to shoulder height and exhale as you rotate the palms down and turn to gaze over the right fingertips.
  • Stay here for 2-3 breaths as desired
  • On an exhale, turn back to center, lower the arms to the thighs, bend the left knee and bring both feet back to center
  • Repeat on the other side

4. Standing Warrior II (Both Hands On Chair)

Be sure to use a sturdy chair or support for this version. You may choose to hold a sturdy counter as well and have a chair behind you as needed. Be sure to be mindful of your balance before practicing the following two poses. When trying this version, we may need to play around with the foot placement and how wide and how much of a bend we put in the front knee.

A woman standing behind a chair and holding the back of the chair with one knee bent and the other straight for a Warrior 2 chair yoga variation.

  • Stand behind a chair with both hands resting on the chair with the feet a bit wider that hip distance apart
  • Relax the shoulders down and lengthen the spine
  • Inhale as you turn the right foot out to the side and slightly turn the left foot in
  • Exhale as you bend into the right knee, keeping the knee in line with the ankle
  • Only bend the knee as much as is comfortable 
  • Lengthen the tailbone down and engage the core
  • Keep the shoulders relaxed as you take 2-3 breaths or as desired
  • On an exhale, straighten the right knee and step the feet back to center
  • Repeat on the other side.

5. Standing Warrior II  (With Chair To The Side)

Again, be sure to use a sturdy chair or counter as needed. You can eliminate the arm raise as needed or add the neck rotation as desired. Do what is right for you today in this variation. Play around with how far your feet are apart and the bend in the knee.

A woman standing and holding a chair with one hand near a window practicing a chair yoga Warrior 2 variation.

  • Stand next to the back of a sturdy chair with feet a bit wider than hip width apart, rest the hand on the top of the chair and release the opposite down by your sides with the palms facing forward
  • Relax the shoulders down away from the ears, lengthen from the base of the spine to the crown of the head
  • Slightly turn the toes in on the outside leg
  • Inhale to lengthen the spine and rotate the hip of the inside leg so the foot is pointing toward the chair
  • Exhale as you bend that knee, keeping the knee in line with the ankle ( you may need to adjust the back leg as needed)
  • Option to inhale and raise the outside arm up and exhale as you rotate the palm down and turn and gaze towards the chair (not shown)
  • Feel the front thigh working, relax the shoulders, feel the earth beneath both feet, lengthen the tailbone down, and engage the core
  • Stay here for 2-3 breaths as desired.
  • On an exhale release the arm down if it is lifted, straighten the front knee and bring the feet back to hip distance apart
  • Turn and repeat on the other side

Let me know what you think in the comments below, or let me know what variations you took or how you made the pose your own!

As an aside, I love handmade items and this beautiful handmade necklace (or bracelet) reminds us how strong we are. It comes in a variety of finishes and lengths: Inspirational Necklace

Want More Chair Yoga?

If you are interested in more standing chair yoga exercises, you may be interested in these:

Tree Pose

5 Standing Chair Yoga Poses For Beginners

5 Standing Exercises 

Or, get started with seated chair yoga with the 7 Day Chair Yoga Challenge

You can find seated chair yoga videos here: The Peaceful Chair YouTube Channel

You may be interested in my Daily Gratitude Notebook: Daily Gratitude Journal

Or, my Daily Habit Tracker: Habit Tracker Notebook

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Finally, take a look at The Peaceful Chair Etsy Shop for more printable pages on all things health, wellness, and chair yoga!


Disclaimer: The Peaceful Chair and strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before starting this or any exercise program.The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not to be used in place of medical advice or information from your healthcare provider. Neither The Peaceful Chair,, nor any of its contributors shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information contained in any links, videos, or any content on this website.