Chair Yoga Poses For Seniors: At Home Exercises

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Getting Started With Chair Yoga: Chair Yoga Poses For Seniors

Yoga is a wonderful tool to help us in a multitude of ways in our daily life- and not just the physical aspects. The physical poses, or asanas, are really only a small portion of what yoga is. Yoga is wonderful because there is always something to learn, to practice, to implement, or to try- it is really a lifelong practice. Keep reading for some more tips on how yoga benefits our lives or skip ahead to a roundup of chair yoga poses for seniors (or anyone really) that you can try today.

There is no such thing as being good at yoga- it is individual- it is where you are today at this moment. That “moment” part is a key component of mindfulness practice.  When we can try to be in the present moment and express gratitude on a daily basis, we have more joy in our everyday- even the mundane tasks. How wonderful!

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Of course the physical benefits, as well as the social and emotional benefits, are numerous. Take a look at some research here if you are interested in a deeper read:

Yoga For Healthy Aging: Science Or Hype?

The great thing is that we can reap all of those benefits if we take time to practice just a few poses:

  • We have taken some time to care for ourselves
  • We are bringing awareness to our breath
  • We are tapping into how we feel at the given moment
  • We are finding out our strengths and weakness on any given day
  • and the list can go on and on

With that being said, I thought that I would do a roundup of posts  of “5 Chair Yoga Poses For…” Sometimes it is good to just have a list of exercises that we can do and it may depend on our mood and what we feel like focusing on that day. Keep reading to take a look at some chair yoga poses for seniors in case you missed them on the blog or to see if they are of interest to you today.

If you are looking for yoga blocks to help support your posture, here are a couple of inexpensive options: Yoga Block or Set Of 2

If you are new to chair yoga, you may want to take a look at Is Chair Yoga Right For You. Also, if you are concerned about a diagnosis of osteoporosis, you may be interested in Chair Yoga And Osteoporosis. I eliminate any resisted twisting and loaded spinal flexion in my poses- but you must do what is right for you.

As always, it is recommended to check with your healthcare provider before starting this or any exercise program. Always go at your own pace and never force or strain.  Always stop any exercise immediately if you experience pain, shortness of breath, or dizziness. 

older women seated in a chair exercising at home

Chair Yoga Poses For Seniors

1.  5 Chair Yoga Poses For The Upper body

Here we take a look at some benefits to keeping the upper body strong, some research to check out, as well as some information and tips to help keep our grip strength healthy. Then, we take a look at 5 chair yoga poses for the upper body:

  • Mountain Pose With Arms Raised
  • Shoulder Circles
  • Chest Expansion
  • Cactus Arms
  • 5 Pointed Star

Take a look at the Resources page- there are 2 different printables of upper body poses. Be sure to try out the video sequence that focuses on the upper body.

 2. 5 Chair Yoga Poses For The Lower Body

Here, we take a look at the benefits of maintaining our strength in the lower body. I also recommend checking out Chair Yoga To Improve Mobility if you have difficulty rising up from a chair or seated position. We take a look at 5 lower body poses here:

  • Hip Circles
  • Low Lunge Hold
  • Extended Hand To Big Toe Pose Variation
  • Chair Pose With Heels Raised
  • Tree Pose

You may also be interested in the following videos:

Chair Yoga For Sit To Stand

Quick Lower Body Focus

5 Lower Body Yoga Block Exercises

3. 5 Chair Yoga Poses For The Core

Of course we are always using our core, but yoga can definitely help bring some extra awareness here.  You may be interested in reading more in Chair Yoga And The Core. Or take a look at 5 chair yoga poses for the core with some variations and modification to help you make it your own:

  • Row
  • Lateral Side Stretch
  • Cactus Pose With Half Goddess
  • Chair Pose With Heels Raised And Arm Raises
  • Boat Pose

These videos may also be of interest to you

Chair Yoga For The Core

Quick Focus On The Core

4. 5 Chair Yoga Poses For The Brain

Chair yoga is a wonderful way to add in some simple movements and get the breath going during the day- especially if we are low on energy and need a boost. Adding in some coordination elements help us stimulate both sides of the brain. Here we take a look at some simple tips to help us engage the brain and stay active, ways to engage the brain with movement, and some research. Take a look at a chair yoga sequence with moves to stimulate the brain and check out the printable in 5 Chair Yoga Poses For The Brain:

  • High Lunge With Arms
  • Shoulder Shrugs
  • Goddess With Arms Flow
  • Eagle Arms
  • Chair With Modified Twist

You may be interested in these videos:

Chair Yoga For The Brain

Quick Focus On The Brain

5. 5 Chair Yoga Poses To Help Get You Moving: Cardio! 

Here we looked at the benefits of cardio exercise, what it means, and how we can get it. Some simple tips for adding in some cardio to our day and the current recommendations for exercise are also included. Plus, we take a look at some simple ways to help get motivated and some ideas for both seated and standing activities to help us get our dose of cardio. Take a look at the video with chair yoga moves to help you get moving or these 5 chair yoga exercises for cardio that use big muscle groups to help get the heart rate up:

  • Mountain Pose With Arms Up
  • Low Lunge Twist
  • Cactus Arms
  • High To Low Lunge Flow
  • Bird Dog

You may be interested in these videos:

Chair Yoga For Cardio

Chair Yoga To Get The Body Moving

Take a look at the one that resonates with you today and give it a try. Remember to always go at your own pace and meet yourself where you are today. Let me know what you think in the comments below. I invite you to sign up for the Monthly Email Newsletter to stay up to date on the latest blog posts and videos! Or visit The Peaceful Chair Etsy Shop for health and wellness related printable pages and more.


Disclaimer: The Peaceful Chair and strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before starting this or any exercise program.The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not to be used in place of medical advice or information from your healthcare provider. Neither The Peaceful Chair,, nor any of its contributors shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information contained in any links, videos, or any content on this website.