Health And Wellness: 5 Simple Tips

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Small Changes For Big Improvements- Tips For Wellness And Health

Health and Wellness is a big topic these days. Someone is always trying to tell us how we can be healthier, manage stress, practice self care- and so on. The fact that there is always ongoing research in these areas is fantastic- but it can be pretty overwhelming to keep up with the latest information, let alone act on it. It feels like we are being  bombarded with the latest super food or lifestyle trend on a regular basis. We can probably all make a list of things we should do to improve our health and do it pretty quickly:

  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Don’t smoke
  • Get regular health check ups and preventative care
  • Exercise regularly 
  • Wear sunscreen
  • Stay hydrated
  • Limit alcohol
  • Maintain a healthy weight

And so on….

None of these tips are likely very surprising- and we can keep adding to the list pretty quickly. But making changes and building habits can be challenging. If we skip the groundwork in making changes- such as deciding we need to change, acknowledging that it is important, making specific and attainable goals, making a plan, gathering support- it may be very hard to succeed. I have said this before: When we feel better, we make better choices.

It can be pretty easy to get overwhelmed – and then just stop before we even get started. Now, I am not here to give you any super specific plan or tactic on any health topic specifically. Just some simple tips for wellness that can help us to feel better- and then we can move forward with the specific areas of change that we have decided are important to us.

This post contains affiliate links. I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that I may earn a commission should you choose to sign up for a program or make a purchase using my link. This is at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products that I truly believe are helpful. See our Privacy Policy and Disclosures page.

You may also be interested in reading about some tips for goal setting and planning. You can find that post here: Goal Planning And Setting: Using Yoga To Reach Our Goals.

Or, keep reading for my 5 Simple Tips For Wellness that we can incorporate into our daily lives- no matter our age. The best part is that we do not even need any fancy equipment- we already have everything we need to get started right now. 

A cropped image of some purple flowers on a table with a tag that says

5 Simple Tips For Wellness – To Feel Better At Any Age

1. Establish a Consistent Sleep Routine

We all know how we feel after not getting a good night’s sleep. It’s hard to get out of bed in the morning, that dreaded mid day slump hits, and it can be hard to get back on track. Not to mention that feeling of being behind before the day even gets started. Of course, there are a hundred reasons why we have interrupted sleep and they are not always things we can control- medical reasons, medications, pain, children- just to name a few.

But, my real tip here is to get up at the same time everyday. And yes, I do mean on the weekends (or as close as you can of course). Getting up at the same time everyday sets you up for control over your day and your choices. Not to mention- it has an impact on all the systems in your body. I have spent over 20 years working in healthcare and one of the biggest barriers in how we feel everyday starts with how your gastrointestinal system is working. No one wants to talk about it, I know. But it is true.

Simply put, getting up at the same time each day sets us up for a routine- when and how we eat, if and when we take medications, when and how much we move our bodies- and so on. We may find that doing this encourages us to even get up a bit earlier- getting up earlier can really help us mentally take charge of our day and put us in a better position to tackle any specific health and wellness goals we may have.

But, if you are not already on a consistent sleep schedule, just start with that and see how it goes. Then, you can work on becoming an early riser if that is something you are looking to do. Challenge yourself to get up everyday at the same time for a week or two and see how you feel. Print out this simple Sleep Tracker sheet if you find having a visual helps with staying on track. Here are some simple tips that may also be helpful:

  • Expose yourself to sunlight upon rising if possible
  • Try to get some gentle movement in- like a walk or gentle yoga or stretching 
  • Hydrate upon rising
  • Have a positive affirmation or mantra you can repeat to yourself to help you stay motivated
  • Try a quick meditation video on YouTube- here is a 10 minute one you may want to try: 10 Minute Guided Morning Meditation

A woman with long hair facing a majestic mountain and taking a deep breath with both of her arms stretched out wide with teh palms facing up.

2. Breathing

I can not say enough about the power of the breath. We have to do it anyway- we might as well make it count. If we really take some time and pay attention to our breathing, we may find that there are many times that we are breathing pretty shallow and not taking nice deep breaths. Of course there are many medical issues that compromise our breathing and that have specific interventions necessary.

Always consult with your healthcare provider if you have concerns with your breathing. I have touched on this in Breathing For Better Mobility. But if you are able, try this simple Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercise:

  • Place one hand on your belly and the other on your chest
  • Take an inhale through your nose and notice what happens to your hands
  • Then, take a long exhale and notice what happens to your hands
  • Now continue to take a long inhale and an even longer exhale with the stomach expanding and rising with each inhale and contracting and falling with each exhale- not the chest.
  • The goal here is to have the hand on the belly rise and as you take a full deep breath and then fall as you exhale completely. If the hand on the chest is moving more than the hand on your belly- you may be breathing a bit too shallow.
  • You also want to aim to have your exhale be slightly longer than your inhale. Take a look here, if you want more information: The Cleveland Clinic: Diaphragmatic Breathing

The regulation of the breath through certain techniques and exercises- or Pranayama can be a wonderful tool to help us feel better. But, learning new breathing techniques can take a bit of practice. There are many techniques available to learn. But, if you are new to the practice- just start with a consistent practice of a few minutes of Diaphragmatic Breathing to help get you in the habit.

If you would like more information,  you may be interested in taking a look at this colorful, engaging , and practical book: Breath Deep: An Illustrated Guide To The Transformative Power Of Breathing.

Challenge yourself to check in with your breath everyday for 30 days. Take a moment each day to practice taking those nice deep breaths for a few minutes-or any breathing technique of your choice. Print out this simple Breathing Tracker to help you stay on track.

3. Move Your Body

A cropped image of an older man holding walking poles and smiling as her walks in the sunlight outside in a tree filled area.

We are made to move. I don’t subscribe to the old adage of no pain no gain, but I do believe in move it or lose it -as harsh as it may sound. We do need to put in some effort- but pain and effort are two very different things. There is no shortage of research on the benefits of movement and physical exercise- beginning with the benefits of activity for children. But all that research doesn’t make it less challenging to adopt an active lifestyle.

I have mentioned before the benefits of short bouts of exercise  and the benefits of implementing functional exercises into our daily life. Not everyone is keen to hit the gym- but there are plenty of options available. Everyone is motivated by different things. If you don’t count yourself as an “exercise person” there are still plenty of ways to get in that crucial movement everyday. Here are the latest exercise guidelines if you are interested.

If you are new to exercise and want to add in a regular exercise program, challenge yourself to move 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes. Don’t overthink it – just move. You don’t have to go to the gym, it doesn’t have to be strenuous, it doesn’t have to be formal, and don’t worry about how many calories you are burning. It doesn’t have to be all at once – just move.

Focus on doing something that makes you feel good and nothing more. Then, notice how you feel after a few days. Here are some free suggestions for various levels that you may be interested in – or explore their channels for further options:

Beginner Workouts:

Chair Exercise- Seated Walking Workout

Chair Yoga

Seated Strength Training Workout

Yoga On The Mat For Beginners

Standing Walking Workout

Intermediate/Advanced- take a look at these free channels:

Heather Robertson

Yoga With Adriene

Kayleigh Cohen Strength

Kirsten Allen Spin

Print out this simple free 30 Day Exercise Tracker  for a visual to help you stay accountable. Or print out this Healthy Habits Bingo just for a fun way of adding some healthy habits to your week.

4. Mindfulness 

We know that moving our body is important, but we also need to slow down sometimes and take in the present moment. Practicing mindfulness will allow us to feel more connected to ourselves and the world around us, help us manage the stress that comes with everyday life, help us find more joy, improve our connections with others, and improve our outlook- just to name a few.

There is plenty of growing research in this area. Take a look at Mindfulness Exercise For Seniors for some simple tips you can easily add to your day (no matter your age!). Or you may be interested in the 21 Day Mindfulness Challenge. It has 21 (very) simple activities to do each day for 21 days- and you already have everything you need to get started today.

There are so many ways to easily add a mindfulness practice into our daily lives- it really doesn’t have to be complicated or formal. You certainly can make it more formal- such as a formal daily meditation practice, daily journaling, or a daily yoga practice. But, there are so many simple ways you can seamlessly weave it into your normal routine.

Take a look at these simple mindfulness suggestions:

  • Look out the window or sit outside and just quietly observe what you see for 10 minutes.
  • Take a mindful walk for a few minutes and notice your surroundings- the birds, colors of flowers, clouds, the sounds and smells. Don’t overthink it, just observe.
  • Have a mindful meal. Eat a meal with no distractions (no phone or electronics) just focus on the present moment.
  • Take a 10 minute break to color, draw, or just doodle.
  • Take a piece of paper and jot down 3 things that you are grateful for- big or small
  • Sit quietly and listen to music- no multitasking -just listen.
  • Find a 10 minute meditation on YouTube (just find a comfortable position- don’t stress about sitting on the floor in a cross legged position).

Challenge yourself to take 10 minutes a day for one week and give one of these ideas a try. If nothing resonates with you – simply lay down or sit in a comfortable position and breathe for 10 minutes. Then see how you feel.

Print out this free simple 30 Day Gratitude Challenge   to get started with a Gratitude Practice- just fill in each day with something that you are grateful for! Or you may be interested in taking a look at these gratitude journals from  Promptly Journals.

A cropped image of a woman writing in a journal with a pen on a table with a coffee cup.

5. Declutter Your Environment

This tip may sound like it doesn’t fit into the idea of wellness, but we need to remove things that are not serving us to make space for things that will elevate us. As an aside, an environment that is free of clutter, is an integral factor for fall prevention as we age. When we have too much clutter- it can create little pockets of stress throughout the day that really add up.

That stress can range from events such as not being able to find something in our wallet, our car keys, or important paperwork. Or, wasted time spent looking for clothes to wear that are sandwiched between items you haven’t worn in a year- to just less efficiency when it comes to everyday tasks. Take a moment and just think how this applies to your daily life. It’s not just how it can affect us physically. An environment free of clutter really changes the energy of the room and makes space for more enjoyable things. 

There are many resources available to help us combat clutter. We can do a quick search and find all sorts of resources and techniques to help with this area of our lives. There are many Instagram pages and Blogs devoted to this topic. If that is of interest, you can surely find one that resonates with you. You may also be interested in this printable planner: Decluttering Planner And Workbook

Or, here are some simple tips to help get you started:

  • Clean out your wallet and/or purse each day
  • Remove or store any items from your car that you will not use the next day 
  • Make your bed every morning
  • Put away all laundry where it needs to go- both clean and dirty 
  • Make sure your belongings have a “home”- then you have a place to put them each day 
  • Manage all mail right away- shred, discard/recycle, or place important bills/etc in a designated spot.
  • Keep your sink clean by managing dishes right away and maintain space on kitchen counters to save time and energy for when it is time for meal prep.

That is my list of 5 simple tips for wellness to help you get started. So tomorrow, get up early, take 3 deep breaths, make your bed, put your sneakers on and go for a walk or do some exercises and look out the window – and take a look around- you might see something cool! Or, just pick one at a time and incorporate it into your day. Let me know how it goes in the comments below.

Want More Tips For Wellness?

You may be interested in my other health and wellness printable pages: The Peaceful Chair Etsy Shop

This simple Daily Journal Notebook is great for taking on the go: Daily Journal

Take a look at tips for developing a positive mindset: Yoga For A Positive Mindset

Or, take a look at How To Cultivate Energy With Yoga

You may be interested in taking a look at the Chair Yoga And Chakra Series, you can start here with the Root Chakra

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Disclaimer: The Peaceful Chair and strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before starting this or any exercise program.The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not to be used in place of medical advice or information from your healthcare provider. Neither The Peaceful Chair,, nor any of its contributors shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information contained in any links, videos, or any content on this website.