Chair Yoga For Travel: Tips To Feel Better

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5 Feel Better Travel Tips: Plus Yoga For Travel

If you have traveled on a plane or taken a long car ride recently you know how taxing travel can be to the body- no matter what your age. I recently took a cross country flight after quite some time of not traveling and I immediately remembered how uncomfortable it is to sit in that cramped space and not be able to move around easily. Add in the other factors involved in traveling- like being dehydrated, not sleeping well, not eating at your normal routine, and the addition of any time zone changes – and it can be a recipe for not feeling so great.

So what can we do about it? Well there are some pretty simple things we can do if we just take a few extra steps to plan ahead. Of course, even if you do all these things there is no guarantee that you won’t feel some effects of traveling on the body- but it may help you recover faster. Before we get to the chair yoga for travel- or plane yoga?- keep reading for 5 simple travel tips with some resources that you may be interested in. None of these tips are surprising, but if our goal is to feel the best we can- a bit of attention and mindfulness may be just what we need.

This post contains affiliate links. I earn from qualifying purchases, including from Promptly Journals. This means that I may earn a commission should you choose to sign up for a program or make a purchase using my link. This is at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products that I truly believe are helpful. See our Privacy Policy and Disclosures page.

1.Stay Hydrated

The first tip seems like a no-brainer- I feel like we are always hearing about hydration. It seems simple but if we don’t stay on top of it- we might start reaching for beverages that will add to our dehydration. When we get tired, we may start reaching for that coffee or tea- and possibly sugar loaded beverages. This will eventually have the opposite effect of what we wanted. Plan ahead and bring a reusable water bottle with you- your wallet will also thank you. Airports have made it much easier to refill these with bottle filling stations. If you are interested, here is some quick info about dehydration and staying hydrated while traveling:

The Cleveland Clinic- Dehydration

Here is a reusable water bottle that can help you stay motivated.

2.Try Deep Breathing

Before we get into some exercises you can actually do right from your cramped seat-try a few deep breaths. Not only will you feel better, but it will help with travel related stress. Try taking 3 deep breaths at regular intervals throughout your trip. You may be amazed at how much of a difference it can make. I talked a bit about breathing in Breathing for Better Mobility. You may also be interested in trying out box breathing ( it can sometimes be called square breathing). Take a look here and see if it appeals to you and then give it a try on your next trip (or anytime really).

How Box Breathing Can Help You Destress


Get in some movement whenever you can, if you find you have a long wait before boarding- don’t spend it sitting the entire time. Walk or stand up if you can. This can be an opportunity to add in some exercises that you can’t do from a cramped seat. If you feel silly doing these around other people- don’t be. People do all sorts of things while traveling, you may inspire someone else to get moving. Keep reading for 10 movement ideas you can do from your seat.

4.Eating Healthy

Plan ahead for eating- I know this can be really hard, but this starts the day before you travel as well. Try not to eat anything the day before you travel that you think may cause you any problems- and while you are at it, be sure to hydrate well the day before so you can start on the right track. Pack some simple snacks that have nutritional value- once you get on that plane, the options for food become pretty limited. Take a look here for some tips on eating on the go.

The Best Travel Snacks For Eating On The Road


Plan for getting better sleep. This is of course a lofty goal. Between jet lag and uncertain accommodations it may seem nearly impossible. Take a look at this guide and see if you can find some tips that may resonate with you. If nothing else, try not to stress over it. Take some deep breaths and know that eventually you will get back to your normal sleep routine.

CDC: Jet Lag

13 Ways To Sleep Better While Seeing The World

You may also be interested in these Travel Journals from Promptly Journals:

Chair Yoga For Travel- 10 Exercises You Can Do From Your Seat

Take a look at these 10 moves and see what may be right for you. Try to sit with a long spine as best you can for each of these moves. You may find it helpful to place a small pillow or rolled up sweater- or whatever you have- at the low back to support the spine and encourage an upright sitting posture. Try to bring some awareness to your core, place your feet firmly on the floor, and take nice deep breaths.

Try 1 or 2 -or all 10 if you can! Remember that it does not have to be perfect- those seats are pretty cramped!  Think of these as some suggestions to get you started and go from there. Remember to never force or strain and always do what is right for you. Repetitions are simply suggestions.

1. Shoulder Circles 

A woman seated in a chair with her shoulder rolled forward for chair yoga exercise shoulder circles.

A woman seated in a chair with her shoulders back for chair yoga exercise shoulder circles.

  • Roll your shoulders forward, up, back, and then down.
  • Feel the stretch in the upper back as the shoulders come forward.
  • Feel stretch in the chest as you roll the shoulders back.
  • Breathe deeply and repeat 3-5 times or as desired as you help to relieve tension in the upper back.

2. Shoulder Shrugs

A woman seated in a chair near a window with an upright posture with her arms by her sides in chair yoga Mountain Pose

A woman seated in a chair near a window with her shoulders raised up toward her ears for a shoulder shrug exercise.

  • Relax the shoulders down and away from the ears. 
  • Inhale as you raise your shoulders up toward your ears.
  • Exhale as you gently release the shoulders back down.
  • Continue for 4-6 repetitions or as desired as you use the breath to help release tension in the shoulders, neck, and jaw.

3. Lateral Neck Stretch

A woman seated in a chair near a window with her left ear towards her left shoulder for a lateral neck stretch.

  • Relax the hands on your thighs and the shoulders away from the ears. Inhale to lengthen the spine.
  • Exhale as you gently release the right ear to the right shoulder. Breathe as you feel a gentle stretch in the left side of the neck.
  • Stay here for 2-3 breaths or as desired. Exhale to gently return to center.
  • Inhale to lengthen the spine. Exhale as you gently release the left ear to the left shoulder.
  • Breath as you feel a gentle stretch in the right side of the neck. Stay here for 2-3 breaths or as desired.
  • Exhale as you gently return to the center. Repeat as desired.
  • Take care not to force or strain. Keep the shoulders down-avoid raising the shoulder up towards the ear.

4. Neck Rotation

A woman seated in a chair near a window looking over her right shoulder for a seated neck rotation exercise.

  • Begin seated with a long spine. Relax the hands to the thighs. Inhale to lengthen the spine.
  • On an exhale, gently turn your head to look over your right shoulder.
  • Do not force or strain, just notice the sensation in the neck. Take a breath here. Exhale to return to center. Inhale to lengthen the spine.
  • On an exhale, gently turn your head to look over your left shoulder.
  • Notice the sensation in your neck. Take a breath here.
  • Exhale to return to center. Repeat 2-3 times or as desired.

5. Cow

A woman seated in a chair with her back slightly arched in chair yoga cow pose.

  • Begin seated with a long spine and your hands resting on your thighs. 
  • Inhale as you arch the back and gently squeeze the shoulder blades toward one another.
  • Stay here for 2-3 breaths as desired.
  • Exhale to return to the center.
  • Repeat 2-3 times or as desired.

6. Bound Hand Stretch

A woman seated in a chair with her hands clasped together behind her body for modified chair yoga pose, bound hands stretch.

  • Sit upright as best as you can- you may need to scoot forward in your seat a bit if able.
  • Clasp your hands behind your back and open through the chest-relax the shoulders down.
  • If possible, you can try to lift the hands away from the body.
  • Take 2-3 breaths and on an exhale release the hands.
  • Repeat 2-3 times or as desired.

7. Ankle Pumps

A woman seated in a chair near a window with her toes lifted and her heels on the ground for a seated dorsiflexion exercise.

A woman seated in a chair near a window with her toes on the floor and her heels lifted for a seated heel raise.

  • Place the feet evenly on the floor.
  • Inhale as you lift the toes up toward the sky while leaving the heels on the floor.
  • Exhale to release the toes back down. 
  • Inhale to lift the heels up off the floor while leaving the toes down.
  • Alternate lifting the toes and then the heels as you stretch through the calf muscles and the bottoms of the feet.
  • Keep your breath even as you repeat for 10-20 repetitions or as desired.

8. Knee Extensions 

A woman seated in a chair near a window with one knee extended and performing ankle range of motion exercises.

I realize that space will probably not allow you to straighten the knee fully- but just do the best you can.

  • Sit upright with a long spine.
  • Inhale as you straighten one knee as much as is possible (thigh stays on the sear).
  • Exhale to slowly return the foot to the floor.
  • Repeat for 4-6 times or as desired.
  • Repeat on the opposite side.
  • You may choose to hold the pose each time with the knee extended for 2-3 breaths or as desired.

9. Hip Flexion

A woman seated in a chair near a window with the right knee raised up toward the sky.

  • Sit upright with a long spine.
  • Inhale as you lift one knee up towards the sky-Maintain a long spine.
  • Exhale to gently release the foot back to the ground.
  • Repeat 4-6 times or as desired.
  • Repeat on the other side.
  • You may also choose to hold the pose with the knee lifted for 2-3 breaths or as desired.

10. Modified Seated Twist

A woman seated in a chair practicing a chair yoga pose modified spinal twist.

  • Begin seated with a long spine. Bring awareness to the core by stabilizing through both feet.
  • Place your hands on the middle of your thighs- Inhale to a long spine.
  • As you exhale, bring your left hand to the left knee and the right hand to the right hip crease.
  • Gently turn and look over your right shoulder as if you were backing up your car in the parking lot.
  • Do not force the spine into the twist. Stay here for 2-3 breaths or as desired, lengthening the spine on each inhale.
  • Exhale as you gently return back to the center.
  • Repeat on the other side. Repeat 2-3 times or as desired.

I hope that you found a few tips that may be useful to you. Let me know if you give them a try on your next trip! Keep reading for some more resources and some printable chair yoga pages that may be helpful on your next trip.

Want More Yoga For Travel?

Car travel tips- If you are traveling by car, all of the above tips apply. However we have a bit more control over our schedule- take movement breaks or take a few extra minutes to move around if you stop to get gas or food.

Check out this resource for healthy traveling to learn more and help you plan ahead: Older Adults and Healthy Travel

If you have difficulty finding proper footwear due to any number of medical conditions or other issues, you may be interested in taking a look at ICS Shoes. They specialize in comfort, extra wide sizes, diabetic, and orthopedic conditions. Here is an example of a hands free shoe: Orthofeet Shoes Kita 80015

In case you missed it, you may be interested in these beautiful journals from Promptly Journals, they have these Travel Journals for both adults and kids.

Take a look at the Resources page for free printables of chair yoga exercises you can take on the go.

If you are new to chair yoga, take a look at Is Chair Yoga Right For You?

You may be interested these 5 chair yoga exercises for the hips- Chair Yoga for the Hips.

Visit The Peaceful Chair Etsy Shop for Health and Wellness related printable pages and more

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Disclaimer: The Peaceful Chair and strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before starting this or any exercise program.The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not to be used in place of medical advice or information from your healthcare provider. Neither The Peaceful Chair, the, nor any of its contributors shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information contained in any links, videos, or any content on this website.