Chair Yoga Pose-Modified Bird Dog

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Chair Yoga Pose-Modified Bird Dog

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Chair Yoga Pose For Beginners: Modified Bird Dog

There are so many wonderful chair yoga poses that we can do right from the chair. If you are interested in learning a simple yet powerful pose, keep reading. Here we have a modified chair version of Bird Dog. The version on the mat is performed on all fours with one arm extended forward and the opposite leg extended to the back. The chair version can be just as effective- and still engage the same muscle groups.

We can still get some great core engagement when we contract the abdominal muscles and stabilize through the supporting limb. We also incorporate some coordination as we are moving opposite sides of the body at the same time. It really is a full body exercise. If you would like a short video tutorial, look to the bottom of the post.

Think of all the functional activities that we do in a day where we stabilize on one leg and move the opposite arm or leg. Climbing stairs using a railing, getting in and out of a car, stepping in and out of the shower, and navigating up and down a curb using a cane- are just a few functional examples. These tasks can be some of the most challenging and taxing activities that we may do in a day. They involve standing balance, upper and lower body range of motion, functional strength, and core stability.

Just like in yoga, we can modify all these tasks with assistive devices and grab bars. That being said, it is a good idea to incorporate exercises that use the opposite sides of the body and lots of core engagement to prepare our bodies for these tasks. That way, we can do them with more ease and confidence.

Modified Bird Dog

A woman seated in a chair for chair yoga for modified bird dog with one arm raised and the opposite knee extended.

How Can We Practice This Chair Yoga Pose?

Follow the detailed cues to help practice this modified version of the chair yoga pose Bird Dog. Then, keep reading for some ways to modify it, as well as incorporate it into your daily exercise routine.

Begin seated with a long spine- You may sit back in your chair or scoot forward a few inches

Feet are parallel and hip distance apart

Chest is broad

Ground down through the right foot to stabilize and bring awareness to the core

Lengthen from the base of the spine to the top of the head

On an inhale, straighten the left knee as much as is comfortable (thigh stays on the chair)- Point the toes toward the sky

At the same time, raise the right hand towards the sky with the thumb pointing up

Feel the spine lengthen, the muscles in the shoulder and thigh contract, and the calf and hamstring stretch

Exhale to gently return the foot to the ground and the arm back by your side

Repeat with the opposite sides

Need To Modify It?

Extend the knee first, and then raise the arm up.

Only raise the arm as high as is comfortable, never force or strain- the arm may raise up to shoulder height.

Only extend the knee as much as comfortable or leave the heel on the floor and lift the toes up towards the sky.

How Can We Use This Chair Yoga Pose?

  • You can hold the pose for 2-3 breaths on each side and focus on keeping the core engaged the entire time to build strength.
  • You may choose to alternate side to side as you move with the breath- inhale to lift and exhale to lower.
  • Break down the moves and perform the knee extension and shoulder flexion separately (alternating right and left) for 5 repetitions. Then, try putting them together for 5 repetitions.

Just like in the traditional bird dog exercises on the mat, there are many different variations. Using both sides of the body integrates both sides of the brain. Try this pose whenever you need to give yourself a boost of energy.

Check out this quick video on how to perform this Chair Yoga Pose- remember to never force or strain any movements and always do what is right for you today:

Modified Bird Dog

Or here is a cute story about a bird and a dog just for fun: The Dodo

Want More Chair Yoga Poses?

You may be interested in these chair yoga poses:

Staff Pose

Warrior Two

Cactus Arms

For those chair yoga poses and more, you may also be interested in: Building An Exercise Habit With Chair Yoga

If you are new to chair yoga, take a look at Is Chair Yoga Right for You?.

For more ways to integrate the right and left sides of the brain, take a look at Chair Yoga for the Brain.

Take a look at the 7 Day Chair Yoga Challenge for a gentle introduction to chair yoga- and be sure to visit the Resources page for printable PDF’s of several chair yoga poses.

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Disclaimer: The Peaceful Chair and strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before starting this or any exercise program.The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not to be used in place of medical advice or information from your healthcare provider. Neither The Peaceful Chair, the, nor any of its contributors shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information contained in any links, videos, or any content on this website.